Who is Xenu and why is he here?

by Xenu 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit
    four feet in height, had long dark hair, almond shaped eyes, olive skin and exuded harmony and humour.

    Sounds like my Italian grandmother. Always wondered where she went.


  • LittleToe

    We haven't entered into discourse before.
    I would be interested in your comments on the following JW related points:

    1. The JW blood issue?
    2. The 29 members of the governing body
    3. The specific number of those who partake at the memorial in relation to the total number of anointed
    4. The practice of passing the collection plate twice in one meeting?
    5. The decision to stop printing the Golden Age magazine?
    6. Judge Ruthaford having been married and divorce 6 times?
    7. Their ban an all alcohol while allowing their members to continue to smoke?


  • AlanF

    : 6. Judge Ruthaford having been married and divorce 6 times?

    Pedant point: it was 5 times.


  • Xenu


    Why do you resort to trickery and magic? Do you not know Yeshua is saddened by those who follow in the pattern of Apolloyn. Remove the questions that are not valid and I will reply to you.

  • jerome

    He dident even anwser my yes or no questions as yet.

  • jerome

    The big 400 post mark!!!


  • seven006

    X man,

    Those questions are valid. If you feel some of them are not than at least point out any mistakes I may have made like Alan did (thanks Alan) Can your all seeing god help you with that one? Or is he as full of sidestepping excuses as you are?

    Little Toe, please interpret my post to X man so he can see it. I am just waiting for his next excuse for not answering questions that he states he is here to discuss. His god seems to be a clueless as he is.

    If he ends up crossing you off his Christmas list also maybe we can get Simon to ask the questions. That would be very interesting.


  • LittleToe

    This is a board to discuss JW related issues, as you so rightly pointed out.
    All of the questions that I posed have a valid basis in finding out what your feelings and understandings are, regarding JW doctrine.
    I would very much like to know where you are coming from, regarding JW (and other) issues.

    There is nothing antagonistic about these questions.

    As for the feelings of my Lord Yahshua ( / Yeshua / Jesus), I'm assured that he has no grievance with me. Was he not the one who asked "The baptism by John, from what source was it? From heaven or from men?", as found in Matthew 21:25?

  • Xenu

    Your questions are not posed in a manner to find out my feelings or understandings about the issues regarding the Jehovahs. Theye are infested with deceptive questions of half truths. Remove the question that are meant as trickery and magic. Questions designed to attempt to discredit me. Such questions are not questions of issues or doctrines because they dont exist.

  • funkyderek
    Questions designed to attempt to discredit me.

    If you are honest and you give honest thoughful answers, how can you be discredited? Even if someone asks you a "trick question" you should be able to give a fair answer. (e.g. Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer: I never beat my wife.) If you're not lying, you can't be caught out.

    Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts

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