Thanks Cedars!
Videos of a few key moments from the Annual Meeting
by cedars 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Julia Orwell
Boy Geoff Jackson has gotten FAT!
Thanks folks!
I stand by my interpretation of the "sister proof" comment, but of course we can all have our opinion - especially since Jackson didn't explain his remark. I'm sure he would like people to think he was referring to sisters being a large army, but I find that a bit of a stretch.
And thanks MMM, I'll jump on and fix that mistake ASAP!
By the way, here are the visitor stats for JWsurvey!!
So unbelieving relatives undermine JW morals. Seems to me that their believers that practice adultery, bully the flock, shun people who do not share their beliefs, live off benefits and practice child abuse are more likely to undermine the morals of their congregations rather than the normal balanced people on the outside.
Isolation and pressure on children is a worrying development. This has been implied and baptism of pre teens has been lauded but has not been described as the norm before. The poison is that because this has been said by a member of the GB it carries more weight with the congregation. So from infancy they have to have the identity as a JW so that as juniors they can get baptised so that as teenagers they can be shunned.
I feel for witness children unable to talk about sports, or food and driven into a harsh faith before they can truly know the consequences of their choice.
I hope that's a lot of views from JWs searching the Internet to find out about the AGM. It may be the start of their exit.
I hear little evidence of the reported charisma or humour on display in these clips by the way. Maybe that was another part of the programme...
I hope that's a lot of views from JWs searching the Internet to find out about the AGM. It may be the start of their exit.
Yes, 40-50% of our inbound traffic over the weekend has come directly from Google. Our inbound keywords also mostly consist of "annual meeting" and "new bible," etc.
Julia Orwell
Sorry I couldn't sit thru those clips as my mind vomits when I hear those guys speak, but I'd liketo hear the bit with pre teenagers getting baptized. Where was that? It seems only recently they were saying get baptized at 12-14, and now they're saying 8 or 9? The Mormons baptise their kids at 8 as a rite of passage I believe.
Thanks for the video highlights, cedars! It makes a huge difference hearing how something was said.
I liked your observations about what an AGM should be (in normal business practice) and what the JW version has become. I asked on another thread,
Why do they call it an Annual General Meeting when it is nothing like one?
"An AGM is held every year to elect the board of directors and inform their members of previous and future activities. It is an opportunity for the shareholders and partners to receive copies of the company's accounts as well as reviewing fiscal information for the past year and asking any questions regarding the directions the business will take in the future." -
I thought your rant about the good-natured joshing at the sisters' expense was over the top. Had I been sitting in the audience, even as a mostly loyal JW with feminist tendencies as I once was, I would not have been offended by the 'sister-proof' gag. In fact, I would have taken it as a back-handed compliment - sisters wear out their Bibles sooner because they use them more.
Julia, he didn't say get your pre-teens baptised - he indicated that they should be unbaptised publishers by about 8 or 9. He did say that parents should steer their children toward baptism (no age was mentioned).
sisters wear out their Bibles sooner because they use them more
Yikes, how do you figure that one out? Can't brothers and sisters be equal, or am I on the wrong page?!
I'm sorry you think I ranted, but I maintain that an Annual Meeting is no place for sexist sentiment, and the fact these tacky comments were made by a member of the supposed "faithful slave," whatever their exact meaning, speaks volumes. Of course, we are all entitled to reach our own conclusions as I hopefully made clear in my article. It should also be noted that even follow Governing Body members picked up Jackson on what he said, with both Anthony Morris and David Splane alluding to him "getting in trouble" - so it's not just my imagination.
I'm glad you like the videos!