GB 2.0 is far different from GB 1.0. These guys are not humble (not the all the GB 1.0 were) and they enjoy the spot light. I think that is going to lead to some crazy shit going down. And their attitutude about the bible is so crazy, they had no respect for the bible shortage. shows how much they respect the bible. these guys are drunk with power, and to top it all off are going to tell Jesus to appoint them in the 7/15 wt. hilarious!
Videos of a few key moments from the Annual Meeting
by cedars 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The ribbing (teasing? kidding? ridicule? note the high pitched whining when the 'sister' writes about the bible, and that the prisoner's 'voice' is calm)
is all part of a comedy strategy from these 8 clowns, including a few taking shots at the sisters, and 'hair pulled out' over worldly marriage mates.
You know, if we are jovial and seem like kidders, maybe they will forget that during the regular WT studies we call apostates mentally diseased, and look forward to the bloody deaths of 99.99% of the world's population.
I know 2 witnesses who said the AGM was weird, that the speakers were jokey and that the final part was surreal, really just a product roll-out ala Apple/Steve Jobs.
Thanks Cedars,
I have a question: Is providing international access to the AGM going to be an annual thing now, kind of like an extra assembly, or was this a one off special for the new bible?
If an annual thing it will be interesting to see how they're going to keep it interesting, they'll have to save some big new light or keep back the usual DC releases for this meeting, a 3 hour+ meeting with no new light or publications would be hugely disappointing for JWs. Maybe they already have future new light planned for this meeting?
They are definitely getting younger.
Does anyone know what tablets they are taking?
I reckon that in a few more years they'll be younger than me ( and I'm half their age! ).
What a silly farce, but thanks for the clips
I don't see the comment about sister-proof as being complimentary. If they meant it as such, they would have elaborated, and the following speaker would not have joked that at least he wasn't in trouble with the sisters.
These 8 are such smarmy pukes. We can argue about what their cheap shots at sisters meant, but their real policy to women is: must not wear pants, even in sub zero weather, while men wear long underwear and wool slacks; they can't teach from stage, they can't pray, they must wear a head covering when a 'male' is present, they are not to be talked to without their 'head' of household present.
THAT is how the GB views women. And that shot they took from stage shows their real attitude to women: they view them as whiny and demanding, and likely to cause them trouble. If I was a sister, I would have walked out on them.
Maybe sisters just put up with less shit, and bad products (the crappy paperback bibles) than men do; after all, it's not like they are angling to become MS's or elders.
The problem with leaders having less than respectful attitudes like this is that it flows downward; expect attitudes from elders and CO's, DO's toward women in the borg to remain one of toleration and scorn, rather than empowerment and promotion.
In truth, the sisters will read those bibles a lot more than the GB ever will.
In truth, the sisters will read those bibles a lot more than the GB ever will.
Ironically that was sort of the point.