Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

by Watchtower-Free 223 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Distraction from what Coma?

    Someone's theory? There is no need to cause a distraction from that.

    They will never prove that Christ did not exist. "Jesus"... as in the various faces and images that religion has given to him... perhaps. But the actual man, who is the Christ? No.

    Scholars (and some not-so-scholarly scholars) may come up with theories, and explanations, and likelihoods, etc. Same as people before them came up with their theories about the pagan christ, and copycat myths (that are also baseless).

    It is never the facts that are the problem... (or the truth)... but rather people's interpretations of those facts and/or truths. Be those people scholars or not-so-scholarly scholars... or simple laymen.



  • Xanthippe

    Watchtower-free that's really interesting. I came across this idea talking to my manager about Christianity at the second job I had after leaving the cult over twenty years ago. He had two degrees and a PhD and he said perhaps Jesus had been a concept. Sounded really odd to my uneducated ears at the time but after studying history I do know how difficult it is to prove anyone existed. I will do more research on it now, I didn't know so many books had been written about it.

  • jws

    Interesting idea. This more or less formalizes what atheists have known all along.

    Given that Jesus could not be the son of some imaginary deity and there may have been no historical man either, the New Testament was obviously a fabrication. We know many Jesus stories are lifted from earlier literary characters. We know tales were wedged in to fit prophecy.

    But, we don't know who did it. I'm not saying this guy has anything provable as to the culprits. But it was obviously fabricated by somebody.

  • OnTheWayOut

    They will never prove that Santa Claus does not exist. "Kris Kringle"... as in the various faces and images that Coca Cola and Toy R Us and others have given to him... perhaps. But the actual man, who is Santa? No.

    Scholars (and some not-so-scholarly scholars) may come up with theories, and explanations, and likelihoods, etc. Same as people before them came up with their theories about the pagan Santa, and copycat myths (that are also baseless).

    It is never the facts that are the problem... (or the truth)... but rather people's interpretations of those facts and/or truths. Be those people scholars or not-so-scholarly scholars... or simple laymen.



  • tec

    Santa clause does not work as a comparison, despite him being a favored 'score point' among many atheists.

    Parents know that they bought the presents from Santa. Parents know that THEY are Santa. When kids figure this or their older siblings or friends tell them, it is eventually confirmed by their own parents... who are Santa.



  • OnTheWayOut

    So I guess the difference is that when new posters figure out the truth, or older posters tell them that the Christ of Tammy's mind is not real, that Tammy won't confirm that reality for them.

    You got me there.

    Christians have a similar trump card to TEC's "I know, HE told me so." They make it a bold statement that all valid scholars accept that Jesus did exist. Kind of like the "true Scotsman" argument when we find some that do not accept that Jesus existed.

  • tec

    that Tammy won't confirm that reality for them.

    I cannot confirm something that is a lie. (and I think you know that the Santa comparison is not valid)

    But you older posters are as entitled to your theories/thoughts/reasoning/hypothesis as anyone else.

    New posters (or old posters, or lurkers, or whomever) can think and decide for themselves.



  • OnTheWayOut

    The point was that you used the hollow argument: They will never prove that Christ did not exist...

    They will never prove that anything ridiculous DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!

    Go to the standard answers to that if you will: The Invisible Pink Unicorn or Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  • tec

    This more or less formalizes what atheists have known all along.

    This is what atheists (not all) were saying when the pagan christ came out, or when Zeitgeist was released, etc. I know, because an atheist said this to me when Zeitgeist came out ; )



  • tec

    The point was that you used the hollow argument: They will never prove that Christ did not exist...

    Its not an argument... it is simply a counter to those who say that this does (or will) prove that Christ did not exist. Despite the many people attempting to prove it or claiming that they have proven it, ie: Zeitgeist;pagan christ/achrya s (however that is spelled), etc.



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