Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

by Watchtower-Free 223 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kassad84

    Not hate but prejudice, rather.

  • darth frosty
  • bytheirworks

    Saying Jesus didn't exist is like saying George Washington didn't exist.

    You can't prove a negative... so you can't prove someone didn't exist.

    All you can do is carefully examine the evidence presented that the person did exist.

    but saying Jesus didn't exist is like saying George Washington didn't exist.

  • cofty

    The evidence for a historical Jesus is nothing like as strong as you imply. I am intrigued by the possibility that there was no such person.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    bytheirworks: And you can't say that he did either, what I can say is that due to the lack of evidence I have no reason to believe that christ ever existed.

    cofty: The evidence for a man by the name of Jesus is very strong, the evidence for christ is nil. Read Did Jesus Exist by Bart Ehrman.

  • Phizzy

    Dear bytheirworks, O.K I cannot prove that something or someone does not exist, or did not exist.

    But, as a rational human with critical thinking skills, I can look at the evidence for the existence of said thing or person, or lack of such evidence, and I can then make avery sensible decision.

    Hence, Phizzy does not believe in the existence of Santa Claus, fairys, or Pink Unicorns with purple spots,..... or god.

    One can look at any evidence for the existence of the Jesus of the Gospels , outside of the Gospels of course, and at the lack of it, and one can come to a sensible decision.

    Why not do that for yourself ? instead of throwing the old "You can't prove a negative" argument, which is not true anyway, you can, but regardless, the onus is on those who insist he existed as the Gospels paint him, not on those of us who say we see no proof.

  • DeWandelaar

    In the new system I want to shake hands with Achilles

  • adamah

    kassad84 said-

    Even if Jesus was just a normal Jewish man in the 1CE, no one can argue that he was one of the most noble man who ever lived.

    I presume you meant to write that "no one can argue that he was NOT one of the most noble men who ever lived"?

    Its hard to invent things like these, a Jewish prophet talking to women, Samaritans, and Greeks, showing respect for them like he would his own kin, things like these Jews will hardly ever imagine inventing. Their hate for these people will prevent them.

    Yeah, but the REASON the Jews were bigoted misogynists who hated others wasn't for shiggles, or suddenly invented by them: they were trying to please Jehovah, since the Torah demanded that eg Jews not mix/marry Gentiles, ordered them to engage in genocidal campaigns to kill Gentiles (note the same prefix: it's not a coincidence), and to treat women and children as their mere property, etc. Their hate is DRIVEN by trying to please God.

    That's the problem with trying to foist off the bigotry which Jesus was trying to change on the Jews: they, like most JWs, are only trying to follow orders to "listen, obey, and be blessed" by Jehovah.

    So Jesus claiming "love" is evidence of what: God suddenly deciding to change his mind in the second half of the Bible (NT), since it clearly didn't work over the past 4,000 yrs?

    bytheirworks said-

    Saying Jesus didn't exist is like saying George Washington didn't exist.

    That's an utterly ignorant and nonsensical claim, likely made by someone who's apparently never visited Mt Vernon, or cares to look for evidence that he doesn't WANT to exist.

    Let's compare:

    GW left many examples of personal correspondance (signed), historical archives contain evidence of his military service, title deeds for property he owned, a will, included as a subject of many painted portraits (including group, and family portraits), Mt Vernon estate (!), his actual physical remains buried AT Mt Vernon, AND first-hand testimony of many others who served under him and beside him in goverment (including his personal physicians who treated him). Oh, do you consider the U.S. Constitution as compelling physical evidence for his existence? His signature is on it.

    In comparision, Jesus left bupkis.

    The books of the Gospels that carry the names of his apostles? Scholars have long known recognized that they're not written by them, but written in their NAMES (and appeared some 40 years AFTER Jesus' supposed crucifixion).

    That stated, I don't really care if a mortal named Jesus actually existed or not: God only knows there were MANY such figures claiming to be Jewish Messiahs wandering throughout Palestine and performing "miracles", and most ended up by killed by the Romans for daring to challenge the authority of the Caesar(s). The Jesus figure was likely an archetypical character, an amalgamation for what he represented: a charismatic Jewish Messiah claimaint.

    But to engage in such pseudo-intellectual dribble by comparing the case for the existence of Jesus to GW is a false equivalency, and easily dispoved.

    Such solipcist philosophical doubts are tedious, since the approach is not intended to be a philosophy for how to live one's life, since it only becomes a lame excuse for inactivity and wasting one's life since one cannot be sure of anything. It's a common trait in JWs who are trapped by their fears of the unknown, so they figure the Devil they know is preferable to whatever is "out there" that MIGHT harm them.


  • tec

    A man who hates and kills to please God does not know God. Not the truth of God. This is not a judgment against that man. Some allowances were made for those who did not know better (and the law provided a tutor UNTIL the truth came).

    But now Christ has come to show us God. He is the living image OF the living God. The Truth OF God... and if we know Christ, THEN, we see and know God also.

    God never changed. He has always been as Christ showed Him to be. But men have not understood God and so turned away from Him to invent their own 'gods'; and even today, men do not know Christ and so invent their own images of Jesus.

    But if they do not know Christ, then they also do not know His Father.



  • adamah

    TEC said-

    A man who hates and kills to please God does not know God. Not the truth of God. This is not a judgment against that man. Some allowances were made for those who did not know better (and the law provided a tutor UNTIL the truth came).

    Sooo, you've never read the book of Joshua, then? The guy apparently did something right by conducting all those genocidal military campaigns in the Land of Canaan, as Jehovah allowed an entire book of the Old Testament to be named after him....


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