250,000 Jehovah's Witnesses have died refusing blood

by nicolaou 739 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Well now...isn't this an interesting kerfluffle over numbers.

    What this thread does show is that, contrary to Mr. Shilmer's contention, Ms. Barrick's tweet was horribly irresponsible because her contention is so easily attacked. When people tweet things that can be easily attacked, it brings both their credibility and subsequent claims into question and makes them appear to be overly-emotional apostates. That does nothing but strengthen the WTBTS's hand.

  • cedars

    I'm ALL for exposing the lies and the lethal doctrines of the Watchtower but throwing out sensational headlines like this doesn't help. Facts matter.

    Once unfactual, sensationalist tweet is removed so that it cannot mislead anyone...

    Her tweet was inaccurate and misleading but it should NOT have been deleted - it should have been addressed and that's what I was doing.

    I've now officially heard it all. It's ok for lurkers to be misled on Twitter so long as there is cannon fodder for argument and debate on JWN.

    Don't SOLVE the problem - keep it on life support so we all have something to complain about!

    I despair, I really do. The peanut gallery must have its peanuts.


  • nicolaou

    John, calm down and just listen.

    Inaccurate and misleading information is posted all the time. Here at JWN it isn't constantly deleted or edited - it's debated and argued over, sometimes vociferously! It has to survive the crucible or else it's destroyed in the fire. But the words and the debate remain and everyone can look up the discussions even thirteen years after they were started.

    That is what helps the lurkers. To see the conflicting arguments being discussed and refined, to learn from the process. Twitter and Facebook are now the media of choice for a younger generation who are somewhat 'distanced' from discussion forums but the same principles of free, uncensored and open debate should STILL hold sway.

    Shutting down discussion never helps.

  • cedars

    Shutting down discussion never helps.

    But apparently naming and shaming people who put a foot wrong without asking them to correct their mistake does help.

    Let's hope you and I don't commit the mortal sin of posting something inaccurate on Twitter, hey? We may also get a thread named after us now the precedent is set.


  • nicolaou

    Asking her to correct her mistake is EXACTLY what I did and fortunately my tweets (now sadly out of context and divorced from Julia Barricks original comment) still exist to prove that. And yes, I named Julia in order to create this topic - it would be very strange if I didn't - but how exactly have I shamed her?

    She shamed herself . . . . again.

  • cedars

    You're right OUTLAW, trying to fix damage. What was I thinking? How foolish of me. Problems are there to be enjoyed, not solved.

    And Nicholai - Julia has told me exactly how you approached her. I don't think anyone could be expected to fall over backwards for that kind of message.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Wait, I thought the US had the best healthcare system in the world?

    “You're saying that NZ's system must be significantly better than the US to make a noticable difference (i.e. to justify using the figures you did).

    “Is this correct?”

    My comments you allude to are based on the average life expectancy of New Zealanders.

    “Oh and BTW Marvin: kudos to you for sticking to your 50,000 number despite all the arguments to the contrary.”

    I’ve seen complaints of the 50,000 figure. I’ve seen no arguments challenging the figure.

    Build a statistical calculator to examine the specific data set at issue, which is what I’ve done. Then we having something to talk about.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • nicolaou

    Julia has told me exactly how you approached her. I don't think anyone could be expected to fall over backwards for that kind of message.

    Yep, I called her a stupid woman. Not my most profund or creative use of the English language but I stand by it . .

  • nicolaou

    For the record . . .

  • cedars

    Thanks for the hug usualusername. This is the strangest birthday I can recall.

    Invite your reliable friend Julia to reply.

    I don't blame her for giving this forum a wide berth. Especially with Nicholai's last post, I think this thread now speaks for itself.


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