“Marvin: You keep with the assumption that things could only ever increase your value and seem blind to anything that could possibly decrease it.”
Then name something that would tend to inflate my value that I have engaged in.
“When extrapolating very small numbers to very large ones the slightest change can have a dramatic effect on the final figure.
“It's for this reason that I think your conclusions, while well intentioned, are possibly incorrect and misleading.”
Let’s talk about how small numbers and their influence.
My input number of 19 deaths comes from 4 hospitals with trauma services out of 14 hospitals with trauma services in the same region. Do you think there were ANY additional like deaths at any of the other 10 hospitals with trauma services? How about the scores of other hospitals in the same region that don’t offer trauma services but do have emergency rooms and treat bleeding patients? Do you really think my input value of 19 is POSSIBLY inflated based on this?
If so, please tell me how. I’d really love to know.
My input number of 19 deaths DOES NOT include any deaths resulting from JW refusing a blood product other than red cells. Do you know how many other blood products prevent premature death everyday of the week by their administration by transfusion? Were I to account for any of these additional deaths it would only increase my input value of 19. Right? So, do you really think my input value of 19 is POSSIBLY inflated based on this?
If so, please tell me how. I’d really love to know.
Oh, and I could keep going with a pretty long list. Need I?
Marvin Shilmer