Video is up - Grandma pleads with JW Granddaughter

by BONEZZ 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xanthippe

    Absolutely heart-breaking.

    Thanks for making this Mary Lou and please get well soon.

    I hope with all my heart you get to see your granddaughter soon.

    As my mother lay dying she asked to see her granddaughter even though she had just about ignored her existence. So sad, such a waste.

    Thanks Bonezz and I agree it's time to stop this cult getting away with hurting innocent people like your mum. Well done.

    I wish there was something more I could say or do, I really do.

    Take care both of you

  • steve2

    There is a view that has been ignored in this thread: Surely the granddaughter is entitled to shun her grandmother without being named and shamed on this forum. Because someone is older and more senior does not automatically confer on them the right to publicallytry to reach the person who has chosen to shun them.

    It could be perceived as a purposeful act of emotional blackmail.

    Imagine if an elderly JW put out a youtube clip decrying the actions of specifically named apostates and the way apostates create divisions. Would we sit by and say, "How truly heart wrenching what apostates are doing to this poor old Witness?" Hardly.

    We accuse the Witnesses of emotional blackmail, but are blind to our own attempts to use it to make a point.

    I speak as a born-in Witness who has 4 JW grandparents (all deceased) who would have shunned me were they still alive - so I am not without feeling for the 94-year-old woman.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • losingit

    I think this video is important. Thank you.

    The grandma doesn't use her last name. It really could be any Witness anywhere whose name is Jessica, even with the info provided. Not to mention, how many Jessicas are there? Very common name. im not trying to make excuses, but it seems that there's little to worry about. i do hear your point.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Shame on the WTBTS!

  • clarity


  • slimboyfat

    There is a view that has been ignored in this thread: Surely the granddaughter is entitled to shun her grandmother without being named and shamed on this forum. Because someone is older and more senior does not automatically confer on them the right to publicallytry to reach the person who has chosen to shun them.

    It could be perceived as a purposeful act of emotional blackmail.

    Imagine if an elderly JW put out a youtube clip decrying the actions of specifically named apostates and the way apostates create divisions. Would we sit by and say, "How truly heart wrenching what apostates are doing to this poor old Witness?" Hardly.

    We accuse the Witnesses of emotional blackmail, but are blind to our own attempts to use it to make a point.

    I speak as a born-in Witness who has 4 JW grandparents (all deceased) who would have shunned me were they still alive - so I am not without feeling for the 94-year-old woman.

    Yeah but maybe she deserves to be shamed. Or rather the religious system she subjects herself to needs to be shamed.

    And what an "apostate" does in the leaving the JWs is not in any way equivalent to what a JW does by shunning them. The Watchtower tries to spin the narrative that apostates break up families by leaving the truth, but that's utter crap. Apostates are mostly willing to keep good relations with Witness friends and family, it is they who choose to break relationships by choosing to follow Watchtower instructions and shun family members. It is 100% their choice, their responsibility, and their shame.

    Pointing out the hurtful and harmful actions of Watchtower followers is not blackmail, it's a public service!

  • Watchtower-Free


    As a 3rd gen JW also . I think shunners should be exposed just like any other barbaric cruel conduct .

    JW Shunning is vile religious bigotry . Parents and Grandparents are OWED respect . Both by natural law

    and biblically .

    I respectfully disagree .


    Steve2...Slimboyfat pretty much covered how i would respond. However the WTBTS carries most of the responsibility. When my mother and father DA'd they had been good dubbies for over 50 years...morally without father an honorable person who was always asked to be accounts servant, one of the crappiest positions but he always obeyed Mother"...until the molestation scandal and the U.N. fiasco. He could not bear to go along with the borg anymore. So the WTBTS states from the podium and in the mags that these good people should be treated as fornicators, drunkards, idolators, etc. because they had the audacity to DA.

    My duped daughter swallows all of their filth as she and her elder hubby climb the ladder and are given convention parts. Like I said before, "we ran out of cheeks to turn."


  • flipper

    BONEZZ- VERY well done. Very terribly sad and inhumane of your daughter to be doing this to your mom, her grandmother. Please, please give your mom a hug from Mrs. Flipper and me and tell her we love her and are with her in spirit and in mind. This is a very powerful video and I hope as many see it as possible - as it easily displays the lack of love and the hatred within this criminal organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. We are here for you and your mom- remember friend. Hang in there, I'm glad you did this not only for your mom but for access to REAL information in what we ex-JW's are experiencing. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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