What? Can someone post a pic of beardless Jesus?
An honest report of the accomplishments of Jesus since 1914
by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cheers. Here's to the next 100 years.
Yep I remember clearly that pic of jesus on the torture stake being clean shaven .A couple of times in my 33 years as a witness I started a beard , at first nobody said a word ,then after a few weeks I got the talk , it wasnt setting a good example in the congregation .One elder said words to the effect that I loved myself too much insinuating I spent far too much time in front of a mirror grooming myself .He is in front of a mirror everyday shaving .I spend about5-10 minutes once a month grooming my beard which I have had these past 20 years since leaving the BORG.
Another great post terry
I`m sorry you have lost me .........my Report of Jesus' Accomplishments Since 1914. If this is a post you made ? I cant seem to find it .
julia, do you notice that the supportive criminal is cleanshaven too? he will be resurrected beardless no doubt asexual and lacking pubic hair too? as discussed on marriage in the resurrection.
100 years of lacking accomplishment? clearly communicating to the sole channel definite hirsute answers.
Ahhhh the Paradise book in Day-Glo Orange, my very first "Bible study" indoctrination.
I talk about it in my book with less than fond memories.
You know I'm starting to believe that the WTS. Corporation devised deliberatly expressed doctrines exploiting the belief in the bible
and of Jesus just to proliferate their own published literature toward the public.
Which in a scriptural biblical sense makes them false prophets/profits $ and deceivers.
.....................naaaaaa !!!
those pictures of Jesus beardless are CLASSIC! LOL I got a good chuckle out of them
As to your post Terry-- wow! thanks for enumerating all that Christ has NOT done for the WTBTS. Is there anything that he DID do?
Hmmm...... I think not.
Hey listen Jesus pulled off the greatest spiritual Festival in the 20th century- Cedar Point Ohio 1922 so there.