Okay, here's the issue. Some people, even some JWs, believe that in the new world they will be reunited with their spouses. Jesus, however, said that in the resurrection there would be no marriage or giving in marriage. That seems to settle the situation, doesn't it? Everyone will live separately and singly in the world to come.
Here's the rub. When the Lord created man and placed him in the Garden of Eden, he said what? That it's not good for man to be alone. So he created the woman and commanded them to be fruitful and to inhabit the earth. And since both Adam and Eve were not susceptible to death, their marriage, in essence, was to be eternal.
When Adam and Eve are resurrected, will they not be married? And if it's not good for man to be alone, then what?
Jesus said that in the resurrection there would be no marriage or giving in marriage. But he didn't say anything about marriages performed before the resurrection, but simply that once someone was resurrected, there would be no marriage for them. In other words, once you've been raised from the dead, you cannot then decide to tie the proverbial knot.
How do you think this all will work out?