Just stumped 2 Elders! Lol

by El_Guapo 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • braincleaned

    Love it! LOL! Good job on that one El_Guapo!
    I use that one... hehe.

  • Phizzy

    Well done El Guapo ! I think it is the Achilles Heel of the WT, much more than all their doctrinal errors etc.

    To point out to them, and make them actually face up to the reality, that their cult acts in an unchristian way simply to keep people entrapped within it, is far more disturbing to their self-satisfied feeling than challenging their teachings.

    Actions speak louder than words, as they know, and their actions in regard to shunning condemn them.

    You raised their Cognitive Dissonance to screaming level !

  • KariOtt


  • ABibleStudent

    Well played El_Guapo. IMHO the more people who confront JWs in FS about shunning exJWs for no longer believing that the WTBTS has the "Truth" the better. Of course this would not work well when said to family and friends.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • losingit

    That's great El Guapo! Next time I bump into JWs preaching, I won't beat around the bush. I'll hit them right in their own dump-- just like you did :-)

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Excellent! Thanks for the example that literally anyone can use.

  • whathappened

    "Have a good day" is about the only thing they could say. They are indeed a cult but won't admit it.

  • El_Guapo

    I would have gotten great praise at the TMS. I made eye contact, used an an example (young one with a farming background trying out city life) and used a reasoning question. Great job, brother El Guapo! Lol

  • slimboyfat

    I bet that will get the younger one thinking. There really is no good defense of the Watchtower practice of tearing up families for no better reason than some don't want to be JWs any more.

  • adamah

    LOL! The ol' "OK, we gotta go now..." defense.

    I saw a few JW's walking down the street yesterday, and it was almost a sad sight; two older brothers who likely looked out of place back in the 1980's hobbling down the street in FS. I don't know why, but I thought of the Amish in more-modern-looking (but nevertheless cheap-looking) clothes, with the ill-fitting polyester suit.


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