How can one tell whether they're in a cult when they will only refer to their leadership (cult leaders) to tell them they're not a cult?
Just stumped 2 Elders! Lol
by El_Guapo 45 Replies latest jw friends
Now , as much as I do not like it , and I really don't , they could use that verse to justify shunning those who question . This subject is driving me mad .
You cannot take these verses at face value like the Watchtower society does. You need to understand them, especially in an historical context.
Paul wrote this at a time when missionaries from other areas were coming into the local christians groups and teaching things which were contrary to what Jesus had taught. This is described in Acts 15:1.
Paul called them "false brethren." (Galatians 2:4). In fact the letters to the Galatians and 2 Corinthians were written to couteract their false teaching. This was a SPECIFIC issue at that time which Paul addressed by asking local christians to remove these people.
This is very different from someone who simply decides they don't want to be a JW anymore. If i join a JW congregation and start preaching about things which are contrary to Watchtower teaching perhaps shunning is understandable, but that is not the case with people who leave the JW religion.
" How can one tell whether they're in a cult when they will only refer to their leadership (cult leaders) to tell them they're not a cult?"
...and this is exactly what they do, too.
Many years ago, when I was still married to my wife who is a JW, I asked her one day if the JWs were a cult. I showed her a 2-page list of questions that I had printed off from an ex-JW forum. There was about 20 questions in all.
When I handed it to her, she literally 'shrieked' like those folks on the movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. I had to calm her down before she blew a gasket.
(I had NEVER heard her react like that before in all of the almost 20 years of marriage.)
Anyway, after she calmed down, she said that she would 'research' the topic and get back to me.
A couple of days later, she told me that she had researched their publications, and had come to the conclusion that the JWs were NOT a cult.
Well, that was that.
If you ask a liar if he/she is a liar, and they say 'no', then they must not be a liar.
Redvip 2000 , thank you for your comment .I do understand that there must be more to the verses that I quoted and your explanation makes great sense . I know that shunning as practised by the JWs is not Christian , I was just pointing out that in the wrong hands those verses can be twisted to suit JW s .
Their understanding of the Bible is superficial , I get that , it just seems hard to counter when they quote verses like that and say "we must protect the flock from false teaching , the Bible says so "
Of course independant study is discouraged so it is like talking to the proverbial brick wall . It is good to be able to get information off people who have more knowledge , so keep it coming guys ,
Hi jhine, Anyone can twist most printed material (especially writings that are translated to another language and written ~2,000 yrs ago) by taking words out of context and cherry-picking phrases. I would not bother debating a JW about their beliefs because it just makes them believe that they are right because they are being persecuted.
Have you read any of Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", (or his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website, or watched his videos on his website? If you don't have time to read Steve Hassan's Books, I would recommend that you watch one of the following videos: Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23), NY Ethical Culture Society February 2013 (41:09), NY Ethical Culture Society 2010 (40:56).
If enough strangers tell JWs (or other members of dangerous cults) that they belong to a dangerous cult and to do their own independent research as to what a dangerous cult is, JWs might become curious enough to learn about Steve Hassan's BITE control model and start to critically think for themselves. As long as JWs fear the WTBTS's Shun Gun, JWs will never critically think for themselves. That is the power of BITE control!
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Hello , Robert , thanks for that . I know that you are right . It is frustrating that more Christians do not understand the Watchtower organisation and how dangerous it is . I do encourage my fellow church members to actually talk to Witnesses on the doorstep , but many feel uncomfortable about "bashing " another ,as they see it, Christian denomination .
People outside of the org need educating as well to help counter the evil , and I do not use that word lightly .