I can never been mean or verbally attack anyone one preaching. (Like they think when they hear the word apostate) If you can make a dub think, you can change their life.
Just stumped 2 Elders! Lol
by El_Guapo 45 Replies latest jw friends
Cheap looking clothes from a lifetime of poverty probably,
since he spent all his time serving the "organization"
and following the, don't get a career or an education rules.
I am more irritated by wealthy wittnesses who have no interest
in helping anyone outside their own congregation, and I know a few
who came from non-wittness, well educated families and inherited
their wealth and act vain, as if they earned it themselves, and spend all
their time in Country Clubs, expensive restaurants and traveling on
their, once hardworking, now dead parents, patents on inventions and
stock market investments and because of their inherited wealth are "Stars"
in the congregation, and bend all the rules with no consequences, since
consequences and marking is for poor people. Rich wittnesses get away
with murder, as the saying goes.
You should of asked 'what bible truths'? 'Jesus said that in order to see the kingdom of God you Must be reborn, you guys say no'.' Jesus said 'that anyone can eat of his flesh and have life with in, anyone' You guys say 'no it is reserved for only the anointed sons of god the 144K' Jesus said 'that anyone doing the will of my father is my brother' therefore making them a son of god. "So who is telling bible truths Jesus or you?"
I am going to try that when my hubby goes on a business trip in San Fransisco or San Diego, we never attend Meetings on vacation or preach in a field. When we were in Indonesia or Vietnam and Cambodia on Vacation, never did we preach or attend the local Meetings and check up how the work is going.
Only in the English field would I try that line El Guapo, you are the man!
Captain Obvious
You didn't stump them, you just set off their apostate alarms. They weren't going to waste their time on you
Gypsy Sam
Great job! Sometimes, I honestly think that if just one person had raised a valid point to me, especially when I was pioneering, I would have started questioning things more deeply Earlier on. I'll keep your example in mind. Thanks!
I like it! I have spent a long time having greta debates on dogma in my head! But this is so simple, in fact it is "do-able".
Thank you.
This was actually one thing that helped me wake up. A brother said that his neighbor had told him JW's are a cult. He found some info (from the Watchtower, of course.) but the neighbor wasn't convinced. So he asked me about it. I looked up the exact definition of a cult and found Steve Hassan's book. This was a shocker for me! I WAS A MEMBER OF A CULT.
Great job!... but... what IS a pletheora El Guapo?
I am el Guapo you dare test my superior intellect? Do YOU know what a plethora is, jefe? Lol