I wish there was a moderator to lock this thread.
Did Cedars manipulate Lee into having a thread closed?
by cedars 164 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Seriously? Still? Enough already!
I say this with all sincerity, Cedars. You have your own webstie. You, Simon and an undefined JWN "peanut gallery" are just not getting along. Let me give an illustration, if I may. When a marriage is just not working, two adults can do the right thing for themselves and their kids. They can get a divorce and bring peace to their family. I'm still a newbie on JWN. I hesitated to post for the longest time because of all the vitriol between posters and for fear of having someone jump down my throat. The Watch Tower took away my voice for 42 years. No one gets to do that to me again. I've hesitated to post here of late. I've learned so much from JWN. There are so many intelligent and caring people here. All of this controvery is making me sick.
It's easy enough to say, 'Hey, just don't read the thread.', but the spirit of JWN is being poisoned. I volunteered for AAWA for a short while and left because of the overall tension and the indecision and imaturity of only a few members. Life is just too short for this. Many, including me, will continue to read your articles on JWSurvey. You have a valid point of view regardng JWs and are a good writer. Just walk away from JWN. It is the responsible thing to do for the family. Many have called for the end to this argument. I second that motion. I'm honestly not taking sides. I'm just asking for an end to this insanity. You and Simon have both made your positions exceedingly clear. Nothing further needs to be said. It is his site. You have your own mission. You need to be the one to walk away. Please just let it go.
I wish there was a moderator to lock this thread.
Unfortunately, we know there would then be claims by Cedars that he'd been repressed and his claims must be true, I tried to cover things up yada yada. I think this just has to continue until he gets the message / is satisfied or whatever will make him happy.
Seriously? Still? Enough already!
You and Simon have both made your positions exceedingly clear. Nothing further needs to be said. It is his site. You have your own mission. You need to be the one to walk away. Please just let it go.
Yeah, my apologies for still contributing to this but you make a good point - someone has to walk away and well, it's my site and all so I don't think it should be me.
Cedars: How would you react if things were reversed? What if I was constantly bringing all this up on YOUR blog? Would you get tired of it? I expect it would be deleted very quickly. Would you enjoy the continual harrassment? The veiled threats at retaliation for one wrong word?
The simple truth is YOU keep coming HERE and expecting me to what, be YOUR "whipping boy" and sit silently while you say what you want? That no one else can comment? That you have to have the last word on every topic?
For obvious reasons, I will not 'walk away' from this site, why should I? But why should I allow you to continually crap all over it?
Maybe I should start posting on your blog instead and see how YOU react.
But of course I won't: some of us have a) better things to do and b) some basic respect for other people's sites and communities.
Witness My Fury
I say this with all sincerity, Cedars. You have your own webstie.
Great points rubadubdub
I actually did walk away yesterday and woke up to find the thread being taken off topic by questions on the "outing" issue. I therefore thought Simon might appreciate it if I redirected such questions towards the relevant thread where this topic was discussed rather exhaustively, and apologies issued. Clearly I overstepped the mark in doing so (easily done, it seems).
I will take my leave again.
Can't decide if I'm Judean Peoples Front or Peoples Front of Judea.
Tis a pity.
Splittah !
Unlearn / digderidoo, if you are genuine about knowing my side of the faders-outing debacle, you can find it on this thread...
I read your replys at the time and though haven't got the time, nor the inclination, to go through 15 pages again have just read some of them again. I acknowledge your repeated apologies but from what I saw during this whole debacle were qualified apologies, also requests for emails etc from the very people that your organisation outed ... a genuine apology to me is an unreserved one, though in my opinion an apology is not enough for the harm that you and your colleagues did. From what I recall it took many days after you were notified of the 'outing' issue for the Facebook group to be closed or changed to secret.
Note however I was not asking whether you now apologise, but whether you now bear any responsibility ... two very different things.
Any accusations of this being off topic, whilst I accept may not have anything to do with a locked thread, by bringing this the whole debacle up again you are re-opening old wounds. You come across as feeling as though it is YOU who has been treated badly in all this, that somehow YOU are getting the blame for something you didn't do and expect everyone here to maybe change their opinion of your actions ... maybe it's an ex jw thing or individual thing I do not know, but have some feelings for those you harmed.
All that I will add is that if you insist on bringing these matters up from a long time ago, then expect that by re-opening old wounds you and your colleagues unprofessional actions shall again come under scrutiny with so called 'off topic' questions and statements.
@digderidoo Yeah, and I've still never seen an apology from anybody AAWA-affiliated to those of us they called liars/trolls for pointing out that they were violating the law by filing incorporating documents using a pseudonym and false address for their president (even though according to their own website, we turned out to be, uh, 100% right!) Or an apology from Cedars for posting a blog publicly trashing JWN and its members, for expressing their concern and outrage over the force-adding. Or an apology for posting Besty's real name/photo on their FB page and calling for his shunning because he wouldn't lie for them and cover up which AAWA members did the force-adding. Or for threatening that they could out me in retaliation for calling the ACC to check on the incorporating documents question, and for not lying about which AAWA member force-added me and several of my friends (Julia Barrick Douglas). Or for AAWA's banning all critical/questioning comments from their blog. Or for their interim President calling current JWs "brain dead". Or for one of their editors going on a foul rant against concerned readers who were upset by AAWA's use of a racial slur in their newsletter and requested its removal.
You're absolutely right. Just a qualified mistakes-were-made-but-not-really-by-me-I'm-sorry-if-you-were-offended "apology" repeated ad nauseam. So many things that should have been apologized for never were. But then, that's because (duh) they're not really sorry, and they don't really feel responsible. They feel entitled to do whatever the eff they want because of their ends-justify-the-means mentality. And Cedars has the unmitigated cheek to act put upon when he dredges up old wounds, to argue minutiae and semantics on one particular facet of the story, but then wants to be treated with kid gloves, wants all the rest of his/AAWA's associated despicable behavior during that time period to be off-limits for discussion. Hilarious. And delusional.
Clearly I overstepped the mark in doing so (easily done, it seems).....Cedars
......Cedars Minimilizes His Carnage..