I haven't bothered to read it all, but it seems there are a couple stubbord arseholes here who whould just take it "out back" privately and duke it out and quit making a nasty public display of it all.
by cedars 164 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I haven't bothered to read it all, but it seems there are a couple stubbord arseholes here who whould just take it "out back" privately and duke it out and quit making a nasty public display of it all.
You know, these bickering threads can be very exhausting. Months ago, after one particular intense thread bickering with another poster, I started wondering why on earth was I here. Why would I come here to be mocked about my beliefs, to feel like I had to once again stand up and defend myself, as if being a JW isn't being the subject of enough mockery as it is already. When coming here one is seeking a modicum of freedom to investigate, learn, speak up, vent, share experiences, find compassion, shelter, whatever. One shouldn't come here and be nauseated, irritated, tense, inflamed, insulted and insulting. So I took a break; I was getting really depressed and thank God my business and my work started to claim my attention and I got completely absorved by it. I even neglected my own website, as I was so sick of even talking about anything remotely spiritual or religious.
I hope we all could understand just how worn out some of us are. We don't want to come here and be the peanut gallery watching others cut throats and engaging in unreasonably long threads of bickering, insulting, and big ego clashes. I sometimes fall into that trap also, and I apologize for sometimes also get carried away. But believe me, it exhausts me. Sometimes I think how much better a KH is by comparison, at least there's a modicum of peace and amicable environment there, even if the doctrine is very questionable and our leadership isn't what it pretends to be.
I came back to JWN because I always hope to learn something, share something, FEEL something. No day is like the next day, but truth is, sometimes I come out of here feeling like I've just been caught on a shooting spree and my soul is full of holes. And it's a pitty, really.
Ok, end of rant, my apologies.
Here's a thought.. Can't we just stop bumping the darn thread with needless comments (such as some just using it as a platform to air their gripes) and just let it die? Let this be the last post, or this will still be getting rehashed tomorrow and the day after.. Let's leave it alone :)
This is Simon's forum and Cedar's laid down the gauntlet. It would be an extremely mild man who did not respond.
To bring something up after 6 months, as Cedars has done, because of some comments from the odd poster rather than dealing with the post at the time and letting it fester is not a good way of handling things.
I do wonder if Slimboyfat's mention of his name on this thread negatively has influenced his decision to leave.
I barely recognize this forum anymore and am actively looking for another forum that is WHAT THIS FORUM USED TO BE. This forum used to be a safe place for all . We did not have to agree on anything. Not that there has not been fighting, wow has there. Still, somehow we would come back and go on.
Looks like AAWA finally realised that they must have identifiable corporate officers (not aliases), which was what me and several other posters had earlier pointed out. See what a value JWN feedback can be? Come and drink life's water-free.
Yes, just one more thing that 'the peanut gallery' were right about. I think the posters on JWN have a keep eye for detail and the ability to quickly dig down to the important things.
The forum has gone through phases like this in the past but inevitably comes back stronger and better because despite appearances, the disruptive posters are a very tiny but very vocal minority and the majority of people do want to have sensible discussions on interesting topics. Unfortunately, getting the balance between freedom and civility is sometimes a challenge - I do appreciate the majority of people who are not only no trouble but also help to defuse situations when they can.
The fact is though, this sort of topic is NOT what the forum is about. There are lots and lots of fascinating, informative and thought-provoking topics by some really great posters and things like this simply detract from it and put people off reading.
Which is why I then wonder whether the plethora of troll accounts and constant sniping and arguments being re-hashed is really just an attempt to create bad feeling and try and derail the forum in general as a form of retaliation for what the AAWA see as not being supportive enough (never mind whether the advice is correct and valuable as above). The level of animosity and outrage seems so completely disproportionate to the complaint itself it just makes me wonder that it isn't really contrived.
Anyway, it's the last time this crap is going to happen. Any more AAWA-inspired nonsense will be deleted on sight.
I started to read this thread, but it's just not worth it for me to figure out what each individual comment is about. {He said... then I said..., she refered to.... so I answered.....}
What I do read is that someone is so sure that things are not EXACTLY as others say they are and that same someone is trying to use that fact as legalistic loopholes.
Cedars returned the shovel he was digging his own hole with and replaced it with something larger:
But I am sure I will be told that I missed some crucial point that makes me wrong also.
OTWO- is that your idea of a hoe?
Hahaha @ rip van winkle! Good one.