simon is such a troll, ill bet he is ceaders. smiley face
Did Cedars manipulate Lee into having a thread closed?
by cedars 164 Replies latest watchtower scandals
OUTLAW, I love your posts — humour is key in my opinion.
But that last one — really? I thought this thread finished on a good note, and now my friend is being mocked yet again?
It's like beating a dead horse (this thread).
Come on, bro — you can do better than that, huh?
Just sayin' — not starting any fight here. Like I said, I love your humor... usually. -
Yep, it's still up.
Also found this:
Go to the subheading under 'Reorganisation', and you'll find this:
AAWA recently reorganized its corporate structure. By law, we must have identifiable corporate officers, and we do.
Looks like AAWA finally realised that they must have identifiable corporate officers (not aliases), which was what me and several other posters had earlier pointed out. See what a value JWN feedback can be? Come and drink life's water-free.
LMAO! Thanks for the update, Argentinas! Remembering being called a liar/troll or just plain wrong by AAWA and their followers after looking into this with the Arizona Corporation Commission and pointing it out here. And then receiving a threat from Julia Barrick Douglas on behalf of AAWA that she could "out" me in retaliation if she wanted to (which I guess would be a lot scarier if I hadn't already been openly out for years, but still very creepy and an abuse of power). And would you lookie there. Turns out we were correct all along, and so was the ACC! Still no apology from AAWA, though! *whistles* I won't hold my breath.
The Quiet One
I tried to point this out earlier.. This thread will continue to be bumped, the number of ironic comments being made about flogging dead horses/cats etc is almost funny. Can we please let this die, by funnily enough NOT POSTING rather than posting to say people are flogging a horse/having a pointless fight etc.. or have the thread locked? (i'm no moderator, just an amateur peacekeeper)
I looked at the aawa forum and it looks like it could be very helpful to those who are survivors of various forms of abuse. Sort of what silent lambs and Lambs Roar tried to be . It looks like a great place for more private discussion regarding these issues.
It did not appear to be a board like this. Still, it could be a great help to those who need it.
I just thought I'd bump this to say, can't we let this die? Must we keep bumping it?
OUTLAW, I love your posts — humour is key in my opinion...But that last one — really?
I thought I deserved at least 1 post,on a 6 page thread,Dedicated to Simon and Myself..
..Something short and sweet,that expressed exactly what I thought about the thread..
.................................................The Tough Part Was..
..........................Chosing Between the Bunny and a Hula Dancer..
LOVE the Hula dancer!
Fair enough, bro. -
I'd have thought a more important question is, does Cedars now bear any responsibility for the outing of faders on Facebook? Rather than a question about the locking of a thread from 6 months ago.
im more empatheitc to that poor soul who's been juggling and walking the 'fader' tightrope...watching his back and trying to maintain some manner of sanity in exiting this cult, cuddenly faced with terror...rapid heart beating, head swimming with what-ifs, the nervous nausea growing in them as they realize they've potentially been outed oby a group of folks that they put a certain amount of trust in (perhaps naively).
let's talk about that, Cedars.
i could give a damn about some stupid thread on a forum board being locked or unlocked.
i also don't get into this, 'let's forget everything and just all get along...' thing.
in some cases, things need to be brought to a head.
people kill me...