Did Cedars manipulate Lee into having a thread closed?

by cedars 164 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sir82

    All this intense bickering over minutiae reminds me of the more painful elders' meetings I have sat through.

    I'm not sure if being a JW causes someone to turn into a person who rambles on endlessly about past "wrongs", or if persons who tend to ramble on endlessly about past "wrongs" are drawn into being JWs.

    Either way it make my eyes glaze over.

  • Simon

    Besides, I need some kind of distraction from my disappointment at not getting my badge of honor this time round.

    I don't understand ... one minute you are complaining about not having enough posts and then the next you are dissappointed that you have any posts?!?!

    I will just draw satisfaction from knowing that I have finally set the record straight for any who were swayed by the likes of you and OUTLAW

    Enjoy your Downton Abbey. We'll just be here, twiddling our thumbs and erm, "swaying people".

    Start the drums - now sway you people, sway like you've never swayed before !!

    BOOM boom BOOM boom BOOM boom

  • Simon

    I'm not sure if being a JW causes someone to turn into a person who rambles on endlessly about past "wrongs", or if persons who tend to ramble on endlessly about past "wrongs" are drawn into being JWs.

    You know, I constantly change my mind on this.

    Sometimes I think it's specific to the JW/exJW psyche and the endless life being conditioned to basically stand out and argue with everyone else.

    Other times, I go on admin forums (a forum for forum owners) and everyone has the same issues, even a site about needlecraft will have someone claiming to have been slighted and dedicating themselves to revenge. So, it may just be the internet in general.

    I do think exJWs take it to an extreme though. I've seen people still complaining about things that happened 10+ years ago. Can you believe it?

    Maybe it's a choice that we make when we leave. I know it is easy to dwell on the WTS hurt, whether consciously or not, and it can lead to bitterness and anger and that doesn't always come out in a directed or focused way. Some take that path and others take a different one. It takes all sorts.

  • JeffT

    With respect, if you don't find the thread interesting, don't open or comment on it.

    I didn't say it wasn't interesting, I think its immature. If you were my AA sponsee I'd tell you to write down everything that happened with the provision that the only names and pronouns you can use are your own. (IE no "Simon did this" "you did that" it would all be "I")

    Try it, its a useful exercise in coming to grips with where you were when everything was happening to you.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Cedars - My point was similar to the one slimboyfat made. Why are you bringing us into all this now? I didn't comment on any of your recent meltdown threads. We had words in the past and I was critical of you and AAWA, but then, so were many others. You really exhibit the signs of having bi-polar disorder. You've admitted in the past that you suffered from depression, so this might be something you should look into. As for me, I have moved on. I didn't deny that I made any disparaging remarks about you, I was only wondering why I was being mentioned now since your quarrel is clearly with Simon. This is a disturbing pattern with you where you claim others are trying to attack you when in reality, all sbf and I said was why are you mentioning us now? Do you really wish to rehash this out now? Why now, since you are so done with JWN and are happy being away from the 'peanut gallery'? Something is amiss in your mental and emotional makeup and it's being painfully dragged out here for everyone to see. What's going on?

  • problemaddict

    Ugh. These kinds of threads are downright painful. Full of bravado and point making that is simply a good solid waste of time. I am mad at myself for reading all of it.

    I realize a forum is just an on line community. But our like minded goals, or need for a true empathetic ear, are MUCH more important that a scenario being hashed out publicly written behind anonnymous keyboards.

    Cedars - I don't know you. We have never spoken. I have appreciated your posts and continue too. I can see both sides of issues that were raised here a while ago. I am glad to see those things in the rear view. To me you are a valued member of this forum, and have done much for the cause at hand. Your reputation is not in jeopardy. In fact, we don't even know who you are. So the moral highground would probably be to just let it roll.

    Simon - I don't know you. We have never spoken. I think we are fairly like minded in many tings, and I appreciate the tone of the board and of what you built here a long time ago. That being said, while you have apoint, i think Cedars does as well. You simply will both continue to disagree witht he other ad nauseum. So why not just let it go? I think its pretty clear he didn't manipulate LL. But certainly it also seems like an overeach to close a thread. Being fiercely protective of peoples freedoms is good.....its what led to this site. But nobody is really attacking.

    Now since there are newbies to attend to, and people to encourage, and suicides to twart, and information to relay, and people to comfort as they lose family friends and culture........can we move on from this?

  • Finkelstein

    Now since there are newbies to attend to, and people to encourage, and suicides to thwart, and information to relay, and people to comfort as they lose family friends and culture........can we move on from this?

    Amen to that.

    Very little harm has been done and maybe something learned in the process.

    Please stay united folks for the cause, its all important for the pursuing efforts to dismantle and break down

    the dangerously corrupt Watchtower.

  • Simon

    Yes, I would have preferred not to be here but it seemed Cedars was determined to bring all this to a head despite my hints that it was a bad idea so figured it would be less disruptive overall to simply let him have his moment. I think he's now possibly realizing that the moment wasn't what he imagined it would be and doesn't really change much if anything. Hopefully, the disappointment won't create more anger and hostility.

    If I simply disallowed the topic then he would have kept up with the claims which was becoming disruptive (after 6 months, it was getting worse). Yes, I could have deleted them and him too but I actually think Cedars isn't malicious but is simply angry and directing things at the wrong target and perhaps needs a little support. I think people sometimes have a tendency to transpose my 'authority' as forum admin with the WTS authority and rail against it.

  • Finkelstein

    I think people sometimes have a tendency to transpose my 'authority' as forum admin with the WTS authority and rail against it.

    Yes Simon I've personally seen that happen many times on JWN and I have to reflect .... WHAT ???

    You do your best and your best is pretty good, it isn't a easy job to be sure. Right Cedars !

  • problemaddict

    I notice when people are passive aggresive, they always remember their actions differently that when transposed through the eyes of those around them. Just a general statement.

    Maybe best to just be authentic, state what matters, compromise, and be done.

    Simon don't worry.....we realize you as a forum admin have as much authority as the GB does. ZERO! :)

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