Did Cedars manipulate Lee into having a thread closed?

by cedars 164 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon

    But, for at least a minute, at the bottom of the thread, I had this message saying: Close.. then two buttons, Yes, No. What was this?

    It's probably one of the dialog boxes that for some reason rendered instead of just being hidden. Nothing to worry about.

    It's easy to look at it that way if you're not the one constantly being misrepresented. With respect, if you don't find the thread interesting, don't open or comment on it.

    YOU are the one that keeps wanting to rehash things !!!

    YOU have been the one pushing for this topic !!!

  • cedars


    First of all, I am perfectly happy about you posting the rest of the email exchange. Why? Because it only adds further credence to my version of events - that Lee locked the thread at my request only after first suggesting its locking to me and Barb, but that in doing so she second-guessed your ever fluctuating rules.


    Any reasonable person would move on but no, you have been obsessing over this for the past 6 MONTHS haven't you?

    No I haven't been obsessing over this for the past 6 months. I have, of course, been saddened on a few occasions when I have logged on and seen the usual suspects (i.e. LMSA, slimboyfat etc) giving your version of events as fact. But by and large, I have actually shown great restraint.

    The only reason this whole thing resurfaced is because your pitbull OUTLAW posted an off-topic comment about the thread shutdown (which you subsequently blamed ME for) and dragged it all up again.

    Simon, I don't take kindly to bullies, be they you or the Governing Body, and I see no reason why I should be forced to play the bad guy just because it supports the image of Ex-JW savior and guru that you seek to portray.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Boys, boys! Play nice together.

    I think there surely must be common ground on the big issues.

    Maybe the bickering on these things shouldn't be in public.

    Personally, I find it saddening.


  • cedars

    I should add that if nothing else I have hopefully unequivocally answered the question "Did Cedars manipulate Lee into having a thread closed?"

    Any reasonable person should be able to see that, semantics aside, I did nothing of the sort.

    So I have a question for you Simon - DID I manipulate your then-moderator Lee into locking a thread on your forum?


  • slimboyfat

    I don't think I've ever commented on this issue. I don't know why my name was invoked.

  • Simon

    erm, I don't claim to be anyone's "savior" - are you "projecting" a little?

    Ultimately, here you are - you started a topic called "Did Cedars manipulate Lee into having a thread closed?". It is your obsession with what you think others think of you. That's called ego.

    Here's some free advice: you need to learn to not give a damn.

    Sure, you have to care and be passionate about things but not be so sensitive that reading criticism tears you apart. Right now, I've seen this from you over and over in different scenarios - you just cannot stand to imagine that people don't think you're right.

    But guess what, not only can we not always be right, we can't control whether people think we're not right even when we are!

    Anyone can make a claim over and over again whether it has any basis or not. They can be completely false (I've had plenty of those) or have a modicum of 'facts' mixed in to make them believable ... enough (to some) or they can be a misinterpretation or misunderstanding based on a perspective. I actually think this is a case of the latter - you believe you didn't ask for a topic to be locked but can't understand why it would appear to someone else that you did. If you obsess over it then all that happens is you drive yourself silly trying to 'prove' the unprovable and risk damaging your credibility along the way. Worse still, other people start getting hurt and I don't believe you want that deep down even though you just want to go mental and swing your fists right now.

    But what does it matter?

    What would be the big deal if you did ask for the topic to be locked?

    It was 6 months ago. We're all allowed to make mistakes and move on.

    Sure, someone will try and bring it up again as a jab. You have to trust that it either isn't too important to bother with or that people know the truth and for those who chose to believe lies that people say about us? Are they really worth worrying about? It's the internet - it's full of idiots.

    End free advice. Ding ding, round ...erm, 4(?)

  • cedars


    I don't think I've ever commented on this issue. I don't know why my name was invoked.

    (1) don't be silly, I've seen your sly remarks about this whenever it's convenient to drag my name through the mud.

    (2) now you know the ear-burning sensation that I so often feel.


  • Simon

    Cedars, please take a deep breath ... go and listen to some music for half an hour or enjoy what's left of the summer over there or whatever. I think you need to unplug and unwind.

  • cedars

    Simon, it's a simple question that can be answered with a yes or no, and then we can all hopefully shake hands and go home.

    DID I manipulate your then-moderator Lee into locking a thread on your forum?


  • slimboyfat

    Show me where I've made any comment on this issue. I honestly can't remember any.

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