New 1975? Jan 1st WT 2014

by notsurewheretogo 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notsurewheretogo

    The problem with sir82's point is Franz was 99 when he died and that was in 92 but that is one situation...surely they could not based an overlapping generation theory on one individual?

    So if you say Generation 1 were around 18 when they became anointed, then Generation 2 would be around 18 when Generation 1 people were dying. So on average, Generation 2 people must have been born by 1948. That means that your average Generation 2 person is now about 65. And since we're using this average lifespan of 70 years, that puts the limit of when the end will come to sometime in the next 5 years.

    The anomaly is that there were people like Freddie Franz. He lived to be 99. So when the end doesn’t come in the next 5 years, which of course it won't, the dubs will still be able to rationalize that Freddie died in 1992,and so Generation 2 must include some people who were 18 and anointed when He died, which pushes the outer limit of Generation 2's lifespan way back to 2044 (using the 70 year lifespan of people born in 1974.)

    And... since none of the current GB will be still around at THAT outer limit, then they don't really need to care how to extend it any further.

    But for right now, using the average lifespan of 70 and the average age of anointment as 18,that means the Overlapping Generation understanding gives the dubs roughly 5 years before they have to start reconsidering the whole thing.

  • Pistoff

    "Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke."

    What in the world does this mean?

    There are anointed ones NOT of the 2nd group?

    Where do they belong?

    Are they implying that these are spurious anointings?

    To me this is one of those precursor statements they will refer back to 5 years from now when they have fleshed out this concept.

    Amazing; anointed ones who are NOT part of the generation!!

  • braincleaned

    Never saw a flame flickering over the head of ANY annoited one. They say they just "know" they are annointed.
    "A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche.... Indeed.

  • notsurewheretogo
    notsurewheretogo means that they are some who are anointed today who are alive that did not overlap with anyone who was alive and anointed during 1914...for instance let us say an anointed person who is 50, born in 1963 and was anointed at 40 so in 2003 they had their "calling".

    In 2003 there are none of the anointed alive who were anointed in 1914 thus this person is NOT part of the second group that overlaps the first.

  • Pistoff

    Yes, I get the technical point, but what the hell does their definition mean at all if it does not include all of the anointed?

    It is saying the generation is a tightly defined subset of an already small group of people:

    "This generation" applies only to those who were baptized and anointed before 1914, and as a secondary group those who were baptized and anointed before the last living member of the early (early what? sub-generation? 1st generation of the 'generation'?) group, the first group.

    This is a new version of their explanation of the "generation".

  • sir82

    Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke.

    This just adds to the confusion.

    OK, so you've got the "1st group" of anointeds who were around in 1914. Then there is an "older 2nd group" of anointeds who overlap with them and "will not pass away".

    So, now, apparently, there is a 3rd group - anointed people who are not of this 2nd group which is the "generation that will not pass away".

    Since they are contrasted with the 2nd group that is "advancing in years", presumably this 3rd group is younger.

    So - if they are not part of "this generation that will not pass away", does that mean they (the 3rd group) will "pass away"? Even though they are younger? Is Jehovah going to off a bunch of them?

    I swear, no one in Bethel is capable of holding a thought for more than 15 seconds.

    These clowns continually appear to be incapable of discerning the ramifications of the dreck they publish.

  • Pistoff

    I guess what I am getting at is they have given up on the idea of the anointed as a group that is filled; the teaching AND the overall feeling among the witnesses was that the anointed were a bellweather, as they thinned and died off, Armageddon was closer.

    The reality was that they didn't thin out, they grew in numbers, and now the WT is totally walking away from the idea that the anointed are a finite, time limited group; the 'generation' marker anointed ones, yes, but now there are anointed who are not part of either group.

    It just gets stranger and stranger.

    Is there no one in NY that can think their way through these doctrinal gaffes?

  • notsurewheretogo

    I think everyone who knows TTATT sees this as an absolute mess...I'm going to go over it with my still-in wife to see how a dub sees this...

  • Hummingbird001

    How on earth could the average JW explain this convoluted teaching? I don't even understand what they are trying to say anymore......

  • clarity


    He told them this parable: "No one tears a patch from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, 'The old is better.'" Luke 5:36-39 NIV


    AAHhhhhh they are soon going to patch themselves ...into the proverbial corner!!!

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