New 1975? Jan 1st WT 2014

by notsurewheretogo 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Oh, the Watchtower study edition of January 2014 is simply an upfront example of a Biblical stretch prophecy. If the prophecy does not occur within the life time of the previous generation, hook it onto the next generation. Who'd have thought, huh?

    But this is an old, old game run by experts in using stretch logic. Adventists still cling to 1844. The Watchtower is a baby by comparison.

    Never assume that the passing of time will have a sobering impact on the clinging to patently wrong predictions.

  • konceptual99

    The WT is setting themselves up for another fall with this one. I thought the overlap idea had them off the hook, but no, now they have tied a definite time period to their prophecies again . They never learn.

    The point is that the intent of the overlap was NEVER to give themselves decades or even hundreds of years. They quickly realised that the original article was ambiguous enough for there to be confusion and they have tried on several occasions to readjust things. I have sat through 3 talks at a DC and two CAs where this has been discussed. The one at Brighton DC was handled by a Bethel speaker and he was absolutely clear that the ones in the latter overlap would be advancing in years (around their 60s) now. They have also revisited this in the WT.

    I would agree this might leave 30 or even more years at the far extent but the implication was clear. Don't think 30 years - think ALOT less.

    I disagree that this is a new understanding of the generation (yet again). This is damage limitation on their crazy, madcap and completely illogical explanation from 2010.

    I do agree that they never learn. They just know not enough people will follow their gut and leave.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Given the WTBS are masters at specious semantics and dubious word etimology it is even a bigger stretch when you look at the context around their 01/2014 "overlappers'. For one - the last I checked "group" means: "a number of people....that are located, gathered, or classed together". This pushes the event horizon of 1992 (Freddy Franz passing) even further back to (my guess) when at least three of Freddie's contemporaries (the "on hand" annointed) were still alive for the second (the "overlapper" annointed) group. Not sure of what that date would be but it sure would put Sanderson's credentials in question as he was in his late 20's in '92. It might also bring into question some of the other GB/FDS.

    "In the land of Gibberish, the man who makes sense, the man who speaks clearly, clearly speaks nonsense" (Jarod Kintz)

  • sir82

    What gets me is that in all their history of flat out goofy interpretations ("Ships of Kittim" in Daniel book = WWI dreadnoughts? "7 Trumpet blasts" in Revelation book = 7 long-forgotten conventions of the 1920's?), this one is at or near the top.

    They've had the sense to just let the goofiest stuff wither and die (7000 year long creative days, e.g.).

    But they keep going back to this. Every time they try to make it clearer, they just dig themselves deeper in the hole.

    Are they really that much a bunch of maroons?

  • straightshooter

    They need to borrow years to make the flock happy. People can just figure 80 years for a generation from 1914 and wonder why the end has not came. To explain why a younger GB exists and all the "older" ones have died, they need another generation added into the equation. But there time will run out and any explanations will not work.

  • heathen

    Once again they ignore how the elect die , they have to be martyred by the hand of world rulers , the only one they ever mention was the guy in a german concentration camp who was beheaded during WW2, IMO it does not include women . I don't get where they think only the generation receives holy spirit ,they never admit being spirit inspired so completely waste everyones time printing opinion they won't admit is opinion .

  • committeechairman

    LOL! It's so fetch!



    Are you saying that you feel they actually believe the end is coming soon, and did not purposely come up with the overlapping teaching to buy time? Do you feel that they really think they are right, and were just a bit off in their timing of events? Are you going with bumbling delusion over cold, calculating deception?


  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    @ Data Dog

    I would have to say YES...they do believe this. After all, to say anything less would be to admit that they have wasted their lives affiliated with an organization that is NOT God's chosen channel. It would be to admit that they are not the elite as Rutherford once called them. They are all least publicly.

    I think about how difficult it is when one begins to wake up to the reality of this organization. Where once the explanations were clear and accepted as coming from an "elect" source. Now, one reads between the lines. For most, that only happens when you begin to pull away. It is kind of a surreal experience like floating above a forest to see where the smoke that had blinded your campsite originates. When you can see from afar, the topography of the organization is full of valleys and chasms with no paradise in sight.

    It is my belief, that for those at the top, they have set up their tent in the middle of the forest. It is THEIR fires that are burning, so much so, that their own vision is obscured by the smoke they have created.

    Just a thought,


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