Suraj Khan
by Stand for Pure Worship 187 Replies latest jw friends
Suraj Khan
I have to give SFPW credit.
It takes guts to come on this board spouting the Watchtower's BS knowing that 99.9% of the posters have actual rubber on the asphalt experience with the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses and have lost their families to it just because they figured out the scam and wanted no part of it.
He's a ballsy little troll.
One hundred and thirty years of fraud is not a success that anyone should try to equal.
An average of five Kingdom Halls being constructed daily, almost 8 million brothers and sisters, dissemination of Bible literature in 595 languages, 111,795 congregations worldwide, distribution of 179 million Bibles available in 116 languages, 239 countries where Jehovah's Witnesses have a presence, etc.. Need I go on?
Matt 24:23, 24: “Then if anyone says to YOU, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones." Need I say more?
In all seriousness, SFPW, have you wondered why so many here are angry? Most are angry just with WTBS. Some with God, some with JWs in general, but most, just with WTBS. Why? One simple reason: we cannot leave with dignity. Most of us don't want to cause a ruckus. Most don't want followers. Most simply want to go on their merry way without the fear of being shunned by family and friends. This is a policy created by WTBS. It is NOT in the Bible with regards to people who just want to go their own way. The only directive of people shunning in the Bible is with the antichrist, which has a narrow definition. See 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 7. Any other shunning is the shunning of actions, not people, e.g. shun empty speeches that violate what is holy (2 Tim 2:16) Shun foolish questioning and geneologies and strife and fights over the Law (Titus 3:9)... neither of these says to shun people. Even 1 Cor 5:11-13 is not a directive for shunning. It is simply to stop associating with a brother who does those things. It does NOT say you cannot say a greeting. Simply don't be social with such a person. We know this to be so because 2 Cor 2:6 calls the disciplinary action, "the rebuke given by the majority". (a) it's a rebuke, and (b) it's by the majority, not a complete and total shunning as WTBS would have. WTBS has become rigid and legalistic in this regard. Many people here have not done any of the offenses listed in 1 Cor 5. We simply have a differing viewpoint toward some doctrinal things, and that should never be a cause for shunning of the person. This site would probably not even exist if WTBS followed the directives in the Bible properly.
Pornography business is much more God blessed that Preaching work.
Just following your line of reasoning.
"The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success"
SFPW - you will NOT enter paradise. (Num 20 v 12)
Taking credit for jehovah's work, bad SFPW, BAD!
Should have really remembered how touchy your god is before spouting off like that... Don't worry, you'll like gehenna, we'll make you nice and welcome!
SFPW has not returned to the thread. This is not a conversation. It's an advertisement.
Another hit-and-run post from SFPW. What a shocker.
Jgnat, just busy, been meaning to get back to this along with a couple other threads(Data, LisaRose I didn't miss your posts). I joined this forum at the wrong time. Don't think I don't read your posts, and I do take them to heart. I'm not brushing anyone's comments off at all.
One thing that surprised me, was a couple posts which attempted to compare the growth of other religions with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I don't think that's a fair comparison. For one thing, and it goes without saying, most of those other religions mentioned have had centuries to flourish as weeds left unchecked. Their teachings and lack of harmony with God's word and unity and love within themselves make that abundently clear. On the other hand, the other religions that haven't been around that long, in some cases only a little bit longer than Jehovah's Witnesses, when looking at their belief system it goes without saying that they're a cult that follow the directives of other imperfect men. We're talking the Mormons, and Scientology at that point. That said, I don't believe it's fair or even logical to compare Jehovah's Witnesses with groups like Scientology.
Why not?