Soapbox moment:
Personally I think anyone promoting faith is a negative force in the world (sorry Tec - nothing personal)
If someone (especially children) are taught that believing something without evidence is a GOOD thing - a noble thing even - a thing to strive for, then they are being set up to fall.
When some destructive group knock on their door (the JW's for example) and say "here, believe this - don't ask questions, just have faith" - the person has already been taught that faith is a GOOD thing and are more at risk of joining such a group - or wasting their time believing in something that just isn't true.
Therefore I have a problem with anyone who is preaching from a POSITION OF FAITH. If you belieive something without evidence, no problem. As soon as you start promoting your mindset as a good thing to others - PROBLEM.
Most people of faith don't see the harm they are doing - BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY ARE RIGHT - therefore the ends justifies the means. The other people that AREN'T RIGHT are the ones doing harm. Have faith now, they say, the evidence will be apparent in the next life (or when Jesus comes or whatever).
People who speak from a position of faith but claim to have evidence is another matter (hint: annecdotes aren't evidence)
It's up to people of reason to counter this harm that is being done and help children and ignorant people to use reason and evidence when making decisions, and not the falsity riddled dialogue such Tec uses (again, nothing personal Tammy - just expressing myself).
No matter how elquent or charming a person of faith can be - if they are promoting the fact that having faith is a great thing (doesn't even have to be preaching - just condoning) then they are promoting a very harmful thought process that can completely screw up a persons life.
Obviously myself after having gone through the mill am now in a position that I can rationally see this and have a discussion with a person of faith with no risk of believing their bull****. But it irks me to no end when I see these same perfectly nice people turn around and promote "Faith" as a good thing to their children, who are not equipped through experience like I am to see it for what it is.
End soapbox moment.