Maybe I'm the bad guy after all

by braincleaned 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • braincleaned

    Maybe I'm the bad guy after all. My mom and sis love me and still talk to me, although I'm clearly an apostate. Their loophole? I'm not DFed. That's what they tell me.
    I love them unconditionally, but I'm tired and frustrated that they will NEVER let me explain to them my journey, and why I think like I do.
    So now I'm the one wanting to cut ties. Ironic, I know.

    Aside from my work, my words are fucking useless. (yes, I think writing f****ng is the epitome of hypocrisy).

    I'm sick and tired of being censured. SICK AND TIRED.

    Also, some here take a particular pleasure in demeaning my brand of humor, instead of just shutting the fuck up and moving on.

    So bye everyone, I'm done here, and everywhere else.
    Tired of all of it.

  • cofty

    I understand how you feel.

    I decided to tell my family that I don't understand or forgive them for shunning a while ago.

    It hasn't changed much as far as my parents are concerned but it made me feel a lot better.

    The letter I wrote is in my Topics Started list.

    Don't worry about some of the characters around here. It can be a brutal place sometimes. You will find there are more people who appreciate your contributions than otherwise.

    Stay strong mate. We need alll the rational minds we can get here.

  • jgnat

    Awww. Check all the posts. Not everyone is the same here. I live with my JW and I have not given up hope. At the very least I have learned how to bring out my JW's natural personality using Hassan's techniques.

    "The secret of giving advice is to be completely indifferent if it is taken or not" - Hannah Whitall Smith

  • cantleave

    The conditionality of JW "love" is frustrating. At the end of the day people have have to accept us for what we are without conditions, we should not have to conform to their paradigm in order for them to love us.

  • braincleaned

    "The secret of giving advice is to be completely indifferent if it is taken or not" - Hannah Whitall Smith

    My problem is that the advice is shut off, so it can't be taken or left.
    I used up all my patience and empathy. I have become cold — I have no respect for nonesense anymore.

    There is nothing that triggers my bipolarism more than all this shit.

    So I'm out.
    Thanks to all those who argued kindly, to those who commented and added to constructive debate.
    Fuck all the others.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi braincleaned, If JWN is a support forum, why not vent away and discount comments by those individuals who are not in the same emotional place as you are. What is important is what you learn from your own venting.

    Also, as long as your JW family are not shunning you, be HAPPY!! Live your life the way that you want as long as you do not hurt anyone else. How you live your life will probably have the biggest impact on your family. As long as you are happy and successful, your JW family may start to wonder way and start asking you questions. Unconditiaonl love goes both ways in accepting others and their actions.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Finkelstein

    braincleaned you've got to realize that this a general public forum, where all variations of

    personalties and characters are present.

    Yes they are trouble making dim wits here but there are also empathic intelligent resourceful ones here as well.

    I found that out years ago.

  • braincleaned


    I just need to stay away from forums.

    Not good at this. I can't empathize with everyone.

  • Finkelstein

    There is nothing that triggers my bipolarism more than all this shit.

    OK maybe your not mentally structured to debate on a public forum.

    I do agree how some debates go off on a vitriol emotional tangent to nowhere land.

    I personally think that anyone who has been associated with the JW cult is going to slightly off the rocker.

    Its manifested in their mental indoctrination process.

    Take a break and come back after awhile and then give it a try and remember about avoiding the idiots.

    You must realize that ex-jws are not a recognized or identifiable group of people, their just ex-jws from all walks of life.

    All the same take care. Fink

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I liked your posts.

    Stick around and just post LESS would be my advice. Quite a few come on here guns blazing and burn out because they take it all too personal and serious. I myself dont like confrontation at all so have ended up pretty much a lurker and just an occaisonal poster.

    You have a lot to offer, just be more selective eh.

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