There was a study article along these lines back in the late 90s, maybe early 00s. It provided several lines of "proofs" that the new system was just around the corner.
One of those proofs was that the anointed were dying off, and since their number had been sealed in 1935, well, there couldn't be that much more time since there would have to be some of the anointed alive when the great tribulation broke out. They've since tossed the 1935 date out the window.
Another line of proof was the generation teaching. This was after they got rid of the literal "70 to 80 year" generation but before they replaced it with the generation = the anointed. The line of thinking was that the generation, although not tied to a literal number of years, could not extend very far. That idea has also gone by the wayside.
You can pick anytime in the Watchtower's history and give a list of "proofs" that the end is just around the corner, and those lines of reasoning will all be proven false with time. You can go back as far as William Miller, who himself gave independent, ironclad reasonings why the end would come no later than 1844. CTR supported his biblical dates with the Great Pyramid of Giza, pyramid inches and what not.
The more things change the more they stay the same.