The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • konceptual99

    Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians.

    What scriptural proof do they give for this statement?


    Guess what. None.

    I asked a group of people just the other night if anyone could explain the overlapping generation just using the scriptures.

    Most of them could not even explain it in a few coherent sentances let alone go to the Bible and show how this crazy doctrine can be justified.

  • neverendingjourney

    It is absolutely a mechanism to ensure the sense of imminance and urgency is the default setting for the entire congregation of Witnesses worldwide.

    One of the main reasons the WT was able to move on from the 1975 debacle was that it was still in full-on growth mode. Most JWs today weren't around in 1975. The influx of new members ensured that any 1975 bitterness was mostly buried.

    It's different this time. Their growth has slowed and the bulk of the Witnesses for decades to come will be keenly aware of the WT's flip-flopping on this issue. The internet has also made it harder for the WT to hide its old teachings. Witnesses will be confronted by it either through their own research or through "worldly" people. That's not to say that there will be mass defections, but it's going to be very difficult to reinstill that sense of urgency.


    Sir82 Lots of threads on this topic already.

    This is true, it is an old subject:

    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfilment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfil any career that this system offers.

    Awake! May 22 1969 - page 15

    What amazes me is that, instead of the Bethel boys letting the subject die a death, they have made the subject a study article for 2014.

    They keep the subject current by picking over the bones of the dead anointed remnant.

  • konceptual99


    Great point but I am not so sure about the difficulty in reinstilling the sense of urgency. The dubs are lapping it up. It's basically a case of repeating the lie enough. Every meeting I go to someone pipes up either from the platform or from the audience about how close we are and how the GB are getting us all ready.


    I believe there was an article that contained " Six lines of convincing evidence." LOL!!

    Try this out on a JW. ( I cannot post pics anymore for some reason or I would include a photo) Ask them to imagine that they live in 1914. They are a Bible student associated with CTR. Ask them to close their eyes and imagine it. Then ask them, " If you passed away in death, what would your hope have been?" They will say ," Heaven ", of course. Then show them a family reunion photo, circa 1914. Ask them how many generations are in the photo. For the sake of argument, lets say the answer is 5, depending on the photo of course. You make some small talk, maybe go through the photo and point out the different generations. Then ask them, " How many "generations" of "anointed" are in the photo?"

    What do you think they will say? Have you ever seen scanners??? Pretty soon the nu-light about "generations" will be "understood" as only applying to the GB/FDS....just wait.


  • neverendingjourney

    I believe there was an article that contained " Six lines of convincing evidence.

    Yup, that's the article I was referencing in my earlier post. Found a summary of it here:

  • Ding

    The evidence for overlapping generations is so clear that the faithful and discreet slave didn't figure it out until 1995.

    Of course, the faithful and discreet slave didn't figure out who the faithful and discreet slave is until 2013.

  • NewYork44M

    The evidence is so clear that it does not require repeating here. Just trust us that we know what we are talking about because we are the faithful slave that does the will of god. The fact that we do or say something proves that we are doing god's will because, as we stated we ARE the faithful slave.

    Any questions? I think not.

  • clarity

    As I read this & all the comments ...I did have an emotional comment,


    but suddenly I AM THAT FACEPALM There are no words the moment!


  • besty

    "evidently" <-> "we understand that"

    thats all the new light you need :-)

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