braincleaned i think tec's answer is better than I could give.
i'm no scholar. i never used to read the Watchtower and Awake and have no college education. An older brother used to say once he looked at the cover of the magazines he knew what they would say and i never read the bible from cover to cover because i already know the ending.
however in my Vines under the word Faith it says,
"firm persuasion," a conviction based upon hearing (akin to peitho, "to persuade"), is used in the NT always of "faith in God or Christ, or things spiritual."
In Acts 8 we find the Ethiopian eunuch and Philip. In verse 35 it tells us that Philip declared to him the Good News about Christ and then he was baptized. I understand that the Ethiopian eunuch was reading Isaiah 53 which has reference to "my servant"
I think I am right in saying that in Romans 10:17 the apostle Paul is quoting from Isaiah 53.
In Ray Franz book In Search of Christian Freedom in the chapter The Greatness of the Good News. He cites the scripture in Galatians 1:6 from the Jerusalem Bible where it says.
I am astonished at the promptness with which you have turned away from the one who called you and have decided to follow a different version of the Good News.
and on page 539 under the subheading The Foundation and Essence of the Good News talking of the apostles and other Christian writers
They consistently pointed to Christ's ransom sacrifice, his victory over kings sin and death on behalf of all mankind, the authority the Father has given to his resurrected Son to liberate from the wages of sin and death all those who put faith in him.
He goes on to say,
That was-and is- the good news the Bible itself brings us. The Biblical good news does not draw attention to, nor its it tied up with, some date, whether 1914 or any other date, not does it attract by offers of alluring physical and material benefits "just around the corner." It is tied up with an event, the event in which God's Son fulfilled his primary mission as the Messiah and gave his life on our behalf, thereafter being resurrected to God's right hand and serving as our advocate there.
In the book Man's Salvation Out of World Distress At Hand (1975 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society) after talking about Isaiah 52/53 and the servant and the apostle Paul on page 47 it says this.
The glorification of Jesus Christ in heaven after his extraordinary sufferings as a man on earth was good news, Gospel, Evangel. "Nevertheless,"writes the apostle Paul with special reference to his own people, "they did not all obey the good news. For Isaiah says: 'Jehovah, who put faith in the thing heard [from us? So faith follows the thing heard. In turn the thing heard is through the word about Christ." -Romans 10:16,17
The following paragraph on page 48 I think is important for the point I want to make and so I will quote most of it.
"A similar thing can be said today, "They did not all obey the good news." This, even after the Christian witnesses of Jehovah have spent more than sixty years in proclaiming that the "times of the Gentiles" ended in the autumn of 1914 amid the first world war and theat then Jehovah's "Servant" received a new elevation by being exalted to the throne of the Messianic kingdom.
It goes on to say a little later in the paragraph.
"The good news about the Messianic kingdom of Jehovah's "Servant" is better news today than it was nineteen hundred years ago, in apostolic times. In the face of the relatively small proportion of the world's population that has put faith in the "thing heard [from] us" or proclaimed by us, it can truthfully be said: "They did not all obey the good news." This explains the saddening state of the world of mankind today."
A couple of pages earlier at the beginning of the chapter page 46 it says
"The kings of this present generation of mankind will 'stare in amazement' at he coming display that will be presented by the Messianic "Servant" of his changed position in God's organization"
It says the 'present generation'.
Our faith in the good news as preached by the apostle's is like a title deed, an assurance a gaurantee as Paul says in Romans 5 we have been made right with God because of our faith.
I think faith in anything else could be damaging.