Seraphim: "Logic breaks down when it comes to defining the details of infinity because logic is always finite. The limits of human cognition become apparent."
Okay, but its you who are stating positively that infinities is a neccesary and sufficient condition for your life to have meaning, right? So its actually you who use logic and infinities to give your life meaning. If you can't reason around infinities, then why do you then claim that without them your life wont have any meaning? How can you know that if you cant even reason about them to begin with?
Here is my overarching point: I think you have been told, again and again from an early age, that unless there is this "infinite", your life have no meaning, and if there is, your life does. But nobody gave you any good reasons why thats so, its just "obvious". Right now you strongly believe thats the case but you also realize (1) its not a conclusion you arrived at (2) you cant really tell why its so except to repeat the conclusion (3) it bugs you a bit I keep asking for something you feel there should be an obvious answer to.