It just amazes me how Born Again Christians and JWs are fighting and mudslinging at each other all the while not looking at the real problem in front of them the Bible. The Bible has been used for thousands of years to committ all sorts of horrible crimes against others. I am so sick and tired of reading about JWs did this and that and Christians did this and that when both groups will refuse to explain all of the contradictions and outright discrepencies in the Bible. Everytime you try to bring this up to JWs and Born Agains they always go on the defense and say God will show us or My Pastor said. Your Pastor cannot get you saved anymore then the man in the moon think for yourself. When you take a step back and just look at the Bible by itself it will make you just cry in disbelief. One thing that has always bothered me is when Jehovah tells Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you will die" this is clear and point blank. But Adam lived for over 900 years after that. I have always had trouble with this account. Did Jehovah change his mind? Is this a false prophecy? I have asked JWs and BACs and none of them can give a credible answer. I have heard some say Adam died "spiritually" or a day in Jehovah's mind can be 1000 years. If this is the case why would Jehovah make a big deal about Adam eating the fruit if he really meant Adam would die 1000 years later? Another thing that JWs and BACs cannot answer is Jehovah specifically states that a child will not be punished for the acts of his father but Jehovah destroyed 1000s of babies in the flood. And also Jehovah killed Pharoah's child and struck down David and Bathsheba baby for their Adulturey. Why did these innocent babies have to die for the crimes their parents committed. If JWs and BACs just sit down and analyze the Bible they will realize they are fighting a useless fight. It is the same as when two women fight each other over a man when they should be mad at the man. In the NT Jesus specifically tells his disciples that he was not going up to the fesitival. And when the disciples got there Jesus Christ was standing there in the flesh. Now my question to BACs and JWs did Jesus lie to his disciples? There are so many examples of things like this in the Bible that I just cannot take the Bible 100% and I have never swallowed it 100% even when I was a JW because there are too many things I question. I try to live a good life and not hurt others.
Born Again Christians and JWs should look at the bigger picture and stop fighting with each other.
by booker-t 42 Replies latest jw friends
People get invested in a dogma or belief system and its tough to change. Look at the Fundamentalists in the country, USA, and the laws they have tried to pass against women, minorities, equal rights, voting, health care. They are more paranoid of their world crashing down around them than the JWs. Its sad but for millions of these diehard JWs and Evangelicals we will just have to see this crop grow older and die off and see brighter and more open minded people fill the ranks of leadership rolls.
Heck, check out the animosity between the New-Age spiritualists and the Fundamentalists. Both despise each other but both promise to take care of the "spiritual" yearning in people. I don't think either group would care to be shown how similar they are.
and you should stop starting threads and never responding to the comments after the op.
"Born agains" (whoever those are supposed to be) and jws are fighting each other?
It's crossed my mind why they can't work together and than the "new light" came to me in a magazine. The Watchtower is not going to release their strangle hold of thinking they are the Apostles of Jesus and the Fundamental Christians won't accept the GB's version that Jesus only died for a few people. JWs are more pious than Fundamental Christians, JWs pray less than most fundamental Christians, JWs don't use the name of Jesus as much as fundamental Christians. It's never going to work, Witnesses were built to enjoy self-sought out persecution, it brings them closer to their god.
The evangelicals I know (and they proudly proclaim they are born again), would not step foot in a Kingdom Hall for fear of demons. The same goes for the Witnesses, in reverse.
They are both cults. Membership of either group demands consenting to a large body of dogma that may not be questioned.
cofty: lol born again christian are in a cult? explain how you could possibly draw that conclusion
How could you not?
Try stating publically in church today that the doctrine of hell is unscriptural or that Adam and Eve were a metaphor or that there was no global flood and see how well that goes down.
Membership depends on voluntary mental slavery to dogma.