cofty: i personally could not say that because i do believe adam is real and hell as well. however there are things that i could stand up and say i differ on, for example post trib vs pre trib. i believe in reformed theogoly and i go a reformed church, however there a church that has a bible study on tuesday nights that not reformed and i have opening talked there. you are trying to make it seem like something its not. mr cofty i can turn it around on you. could you stand up at richard dawkins speach and publicaly say you believe in hell and that adam was real? how would they react? does that mean you are in a cult?
Born Again Christians and JWs should look at the bigger picture and stop fighting with each other.
by booker-t 42 Replies latest jw friends
could you stand up at richard dawkins speach and publicaly say you believe in hell and that adam was real?
No comparison.
On the one hand we have one version of faith-based thinking versus another. On the other hand we have faith-based thinking versus evidence-based thinking.
Evangelical christinity is a cult that demands mental conformity to dogma.
sweet pea
unstop you are getting confused between facts and beliefs
everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but no one is entitled to their own facts
when your beliefs contradict known facts then that will be pointed out to you
*EDIT - posted by besty from sweet peas computer....:-)
ohh i get it cofty: born agains are in fanasty land, which is based not a facts but lies.and what you believe is based on evidance.
J. Hofer
i see you are making some progress, unstopableravens :)
so when pluto was a planet was that based on evidance? did you believe it was a planet?
Planet - not planet. It's simply a matter of what conventions we agree to adopt to label things.
Nothing actually changed.
truth does not change i agree, but what you believe does, point is cofty when pluto was called a planet do believed it, why because the ones you trusted said it was, not based on facts but what they thought.
Pluto was redesignated a dwarf planet. There was never a "belief" about whether the celestial body known as Pluto existed, the evidence was there, its existence was not based on faith.