Think about it. I am certain Roman Law protected business forms. Jerusalem was a major city so commercial law had to exist. Jesus said He was the way, the truth, the light. Paul emphasized the centrality of the Risen Christ. Nowhere in holy scripture or not holy scripture is there a document that says a corporation or any business form is the way, the truth, the life. Salvation comes directly from Jesus.
It is a monstrous assertion that people who are literate ( admittedly, not that many compared to today) cannot understand the scriptures. Jesus did not go door to door. He worshiped in synagogues and the Temple. Neither Jesus, Paul, or the evangelists inserted the equivalent of a publsihing company between human and God. Anyone who can read or has someone read to them is fully capable of understanding Holy Scripture. Jesus did not publish study aids. Stripping people of the power to pray directly to Jesus/God is outrageous. I notice the WT gives absolutely no proof that it is the only way to read the Bible. WT statements unsupported by any rational proof do not make the statement factual. Charles Manson believed he had exclusive answers. Jim Jones had a similar view. Jesus said no one knows the hour and to beware such men.
I was born-in so I spent many years unprodutively at boring meetings. The Witnesses have scant knowledge of the Bible b/c it is outweighed by the WT. They are superb at WT analysis. Nowhere did Jesus, Paul, Noah, Abraham ever mention the WT. The Roman Catholic Church supports Bible knowledge today. Protestants believe in scripture alone. The RC Church believes its traditions are also important. Basically, the WT is putting its spin on the Inquisiton and other shameful religious expeditions of the past. Do I understand Bible knowledge perfectly? No way but I find that sittiing with my Bible and paying atttention to the text takes me further than reading the WT or listening to ignorant JWs. How is the Witness assertion different from Lenin or Mao? Respect belongs to God, not Bethel.