evolution vs God mr comfort
by unstopableravens 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm sorry but I do not find Banana Man's and Crocoduck Boy's arguments compelling. They are totally dishonest when they try to reason with Atheists and they're attempt to prove God without resorting to the Bible fails because they eventually go to the Bible to try to prove Him. Discarding the Bible and using evidence gets you as far as Deism but to say which God actually created everything you have to resort to the Bible, Koran, or some other holy writ.
Unstop - What you need to do now is to write up a summary of the main lines of evidence against evolution in the video and why you think they are compelling.
I'm looking forward to it.
Can't see the video - but I am very familiar with the Banana man's aruments.
cofty: what i think mr comfort is showing is that ,mr dawkins says faith is a cop out, and to believe in evolution takes faith as well,alot of the people who believe in evolution cant explain it, sorta like a jw who confesses 1914 but cant explain it. they trust the wt and many people trust or have faith in teachers or sceintist
ds211 sorry my op is blank because that was my evidence for evoultion.
So for someone like me, who has a good understanding of evolution and can explain it, what faith is required?
cant leave: you still need faith because you have not observed any evoultion. for example i have not seen the raisen christ(not observed physically) i have faith, thomas had to see the rasien chirst to believe (he observed christ risen) he needed no faith because he seen, hense jesus response in john 2o:28;29. you have not seen any obeservable evoultion
many people dont understand the theory of relativity either, does that imply the people who do have faith in it?