evolution vs God mr comfort

by unstopableravens 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    i personally believe the unchanging truth is in the bible

    Well if you are going to throw out substantial, verifiable evidence obtained by decades of research by highly intelligent and focussed scientists on the basis of an allegorical tale written in an ancient book authored by uneducated, ignorant men, good luck to you,,,,,,,,,

  • unstopableravens

    jgnat: i think the diffearnce is in science there is always things to be learned,so scienctist have to adjust to what they figure out, as far a camps in the christian realm, is because theres the bible which is truth and some camps pick and choose what they are going to follow. zound: i am watching the video, thanks for posting it.

  • cofty

    there is always things to be learned,so scienctist have to adjust to what they figure out

    What do you think the odds are that one day we will have to adjust to the idea that the earth rests on the back of a giant turtle?

  • MadGiant

    "i am glad of all the responses, i just think the point mr comfort is making is that sense we have been able to observe evolution for 65 million years ,you trust or have faith in that.just like it takes faith for me to believe that god created creation. i was not there to observe creation, nor the parting of the red sea, but i have faith. maybe we all just have a different view of what faith is? perpahps. i am just wanting to use the same deffintion for both sides here" -

    You are wrong, dead wrong. Their is a thing called observation and another called evidence. I don't have "faith" in evolution. That's were the evidence is pointing. Please, please don't try to put evidence and observation on the same shelve you put faith, they won't mix. They are completely different concepts.

  • unstopableravens

    cofty: no i do not, however you do you believe one day humans will change into the x-men?

  • cofty

    there is always things to be learned,so scienctist have to adjust to what they figure out - Unstop

    What do you think the odds are that one day we will have to adjust to the idea that the earth rests on the back of a giant turtle? - Me

    no i do not - Unstop

    In exactly the same way there will never be a day that we will have to adjust our conviction that humans evolved from non-human ancestors.

    The evidence for a non-turtle cosmology and the evidence for evolution is equally strong.

  • prologos

    the lady in London said to the astronomer: "Young man, It is turtles all the way down".

    kidding aside,

    There is no conflict between a possible creator and the process of evolution,

    that obviously was, and still is the good tool used for the works.

  • cofty

    There is no conflict between a possible creator and the process of evolution

    Perhaps not, but the creator can be dispatched with a quick flick of Occam's razor.

  • MadGiant

    "i personally believe the unchanging truth is in the bible"

    I give up my friend.

    Can you tell me what exactly is the "the unchanging truth is in the bible"?

    We have a proverb in Spanish " no hay peor ciego que aquel que no quiere ver".

    By the way, earthquakes are simply caused by the elephants that support the world on the back of a giant turtle jumping over mice that scare them.

    Take care,


  • prologos

    While the razor is beeing sharpened on the leatherstrap (showing my age),

    remembering that evolution is only a 3 plus billion slice of the 14 billion and perhaps longer hairy tale to come clean on.

    love the site, the posts.

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