cofty: i did read through all the comments and i guess maybe it me not making my point clear.
evolution vs God mr comfort
by unstopableravens 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ustop - Do you understand why faith is unnecessary when you have verifiable evidence?
You may have browsed them but you misssed the point by a mile.
Rational people have no faith. Rational people arrive at convictions that are commensurate with the evidence.
The evidence for evolution is overwhelmingly compelling.
No faith required.
You know nothing about the evidence for evolution so you don't get an opinion.
You could fix that, but its hard work. Listening to morons like Comfort who reinforces your bias with bullshit is much easier.
I could not view Ray Comfort's video on this site, but I have seen many (and probably the one you posted here) before.
It is just not even close to the same thing to compare trust in evidence of evolution to faith in creation.
I believe that is an attempt to equalize the validity of anecdotal evidences by lowering the validity of actual evidences.
cant leave: i do agree the move evidence the less faith needed,
Zero faith required.
I will try more slowly, and in progressive detail. Evolution is too slow for any human observer to see for himself in a lifetime. Particles are too small for any human observer, or even her instruments, to detect directly. Stars are too far away to measure by measuring-tape.
Yet, we can set up tests to reasonably deduct the progress of evolution, the existence of the Higgs-Boson, and not only how far the stars are away from us, but how fast they are moving away from us (redshift).
This is not the same as Christian faith.
cofty: i did more than skim through i read all the comments, you have this thought that if there is evidenace and rational thinking people, than zero faith is required. i view things like this i have seen the sun come up 1ooos of times, yet i have faith it will come up tommorow. it takes less faith than say that the moon will take its place, but it still takes faith. and dude there no need to say ray is an idoit,
An attempt to make it faith to have belief in evolution based on evidence is like saying you have to have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow. (And don't get all technical about it really being the earth turning.)
The problem here is equating a non-spiritual non-religious definition of "faith" with the standard spiritual and/or religious definition.
"I have faith in you" does not mean "I think you exist without evidence that you actually do." To suggest that type of faith in something that has ample evidence is deliberate devaluation of that evidence. You are really saying that explanations that fit fossils and DNA are just fairytales that some put faith in- the type of faith defined by spiritual/religious belief. It just isn't so.
I have no faith that the sun will rise tomorrow, none at all.
I know enough about basic cosmology to be sure that the earth can't stop rotating on it's axis and there are billions of years before the sun becomes a red giant.
My degree of conviction on whether or not the sun will appear in the morning are commensurate with the evidence. No more and no less.
dude there no need to say ray is an idoit
You're right. I apologise profusely to any idiots reading this thread.