I opened my May 15, 02 WT (which is entitled "Who Is God?") to the article being discussed, which appears on page 24, and is handtyped in above by dungbeetle (very labor intensive, btw)
This paragraph actually appears in the middle of the article, just slipped in slyly.
"A Town Is Elated"
The integrity of the upright and the wickedness of evildoers also have an effect on other people. “By his mouth the one who is an APOSTATE brings his fellowman to ruin,' says the king of Israel, "but by knowledge are the righteous rescued." (Proverbs 11:9) Who will deny that slander, harmful gossip, obscene talk, and idle chatter are damaging to others? A righteous one's speech, on the other hand, is pure, well-thought out, and considerate. By knowledge he is rescued because his integrity furnishes him with the points of reasoning needed to show that his accusers are lying. (caps & bold added)
For the life of me..............I don't remember the word "apostate" appearing in the Hewbrew Scriptures. Perhaps some help on this?
The rest of the article is showing the difference between apostate actions - and the actions of righteous persons. Of course, "apostate" only appears once.......but that sets the tone.
Interestingly, "apostate" ones are shown within the congregation causing: (quoting)
moral and perhaps economic deterioration.
wickedness of evildoers
harmful gossip
obscene talk
idle chatter
find fault
speak bitterly about the ways things are done
poisonous root that can spread and poison others "who initially were unaffected."
want more authority and prominence.
stir up rumors that there is injustice,
stir up rumors that there is ethnic prejudice or the like in the congregation or on the part of elders.
their mouths can cause division.
despised his own fellowman,
walking about as a slanderer
uncovering confidential talk
great harm caused by someone who lacks good judgment
in want of heart.
carries on loose talk to the pont of slander or reviling.
unwholesome influence.
All these nasty adjectives, btw, are found in only the last 7 paragraphs of this article - after the word "apostate" is used in a quote from the Bible. Lord knows how many more were thrown in the preceeding 12 paragraphs.
What should a good dub do? The WTBTS asks this leading question - not actually demanding this: "Should we not turn a deaf ear to their talk and strive to be spiritual people who contribute to peace and unity in the congregation?" Ironically, the WTBTS forgot to tell the dubs to close their eyes also. Just like the Three Monkees - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Sooooooooo, keeping the word "apostate" in view..........this sets the tone for the vile words for anyone who openly disagrees with the WTBTS - and what the WTBTS wants done to a person who's an apostate: "but when the wicked ones perish there is a joyful cry." (Prov. 11:10 quoted in article.)
Thanks for bringing this article to our attention, Dung.