train up a child...with a squeegee...

by wheelwithinwheel 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • KistByQpid

    I've enjoyed reading this thread. I was reading some stats at that 1.9 million school aged children were homeschooled during the 2000-01 school year. With numbers that large, it is no longer unusual to see a kid "out" during school hours. Unless a parent is homeschooling "underground" they have to sign/agree to comply with the revised code, according to their state.

    Probably the best kept secret of homeschooling is this...Public schools ARE providing courses for homeschoolers. That's right. As tax payers, our children are entitled to be enrolled part time. This includes all auxillary courses: music, drama, p.e., testing services, occupational/physical therapy and sports. Many school districts have homeschool campuses, or "homelink" programs. These kids may only be on campus 2-3 days a week, taking electives or subjects that the parents do not feel comfortable teaching. Are they there alone? Do they have different teachers?...yes. State organizations have a wide variety of services. Local support groups have organized activities. I belong to a group that also networks. We have parents from every walk of life: business owners, computer/high tech professionals, medical professionals, tradesmen, musicians, teachers, etc. that co-op classes. As technology increases, curriculum writers have opened up a whole new option...BJU's HomeSat, School of Tomorrow, Alpha Omega's Switched On Schoolhouse etc. I'm not suggesting homeschooling will EVER replace public or private schools. I'm not saying it is "right" for all children or all families. What I am suggesting, is that it is a legitimate option. The responses have my curiosity going though...I wonder how many in my local support group are JWs??? Interesting.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    144thousand_and_one, i tried to get some stats yesterday from an institution that i attended for homeschooled kids. they'll give me all kinds of those stats from the past 4 or so years, but i have to wait until they call me back with them...

    when you blow out like a dead star it reminds me how uniform your beautiful is

  • KistByQpid
  • KistByQpid

    OK, in my quest to better understand JW's...another educational question occured to me. Why don't the JW's have their own affiliated schools? Many Christians send their children to Christian schools, again another viable option. Some denominations are known for their "own" schools, the Catholics and Lutherans come to mind. With the JW determination to avoid "bad associations" you'd think this would be the ticket. Then again, maybe not...private schools = tuitions. Just a thought.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    KBQ asked: Why don't the JW's have their own affiliated schools?

    I believe the main problem would be the small number of students enrolled. Around here, a few years ago, the local Witnesses made an arrangement with one school to form a J.W. class and bused everyone in.

    It didn’t last long. For years J.W’s policy was to frown on any further education after high school. So... a major problem was getting qualified J.W. teachers. They finally found someone (an elders wife) who was hired by the school board. Soon kids were complaining there were too many religious classes, parents were complaining about the quality of the teaching and the teacher was finding it difficult to handle all the levels necessary for the class. The prinipal cancelled the arrangement. It was later rumored the teacher didn’t have the necessary teaching quaifications.

    Another consideration is that our New York directors believe their group should only get involved in areas that will further the worldwide witnessing effort.
    Social and educational matters don’t seem to fit this criteria.

    So there your have it: not enough students, no J.W. teachers and not an area of interest for the J.W. directorate.

    Found the h-s info you provided interesting.

  • Latte


    Education issues aside, I do feel that eight years old is a little too young to being doing commercial window cleaning...can be dangerous.

    So there your have it: not enough students, no J.W. teachers and not an area of interest for the J.W. directorate.
    I noted a long time ago that it is very difficult to find any 'qualified' JW's in any field. It was impossible to find a JW to teach my daughter at primary level, or the piano. Yes, we did have some quite elderly sisters who were well qulaified to teach her (they were educated prior to becoming JW's) Hey!....Guess why they couldn't teach my daughter???....they were busy PIONEERING!


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