MANDATORY Reporting of Child Abuse

by silentlambs 129 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dungbeetle

    Well, I hear a couple of things loud and strong...

    1)The abuser of a present minor needs to be reported immediately so steps can be taken to protect any more potential victims, to protect the minor, and iniate the process of treatment, healing, and/or closure for the victims.

    1) an adult survivor of abuse definitely should be encouraged to report an abuser and to initiate the process of treatment, healing, and/or closure.

    If there is one thing I may suggest, it won't solve all the conflicts here but it might be a better use for our energies.

    Watchtower has said that the elders will be ordered to report abuse in a clergy-mandated-reporting state. So why don't we do this...someone put up a list of all the remaining states that do not have this rule, and we start working on the legislators of those states to implement this rule or some version of it, and to close the loopholes and strengthen any existing rules.

    It will solve ONE problem that I can see. Abusers present in the congregations of JW have the option of simply pulling up stakes and moving to a 'non-reporting' state; we have the power to take that away from them. Elders who disagree with that 'reporting' rule also will be deprived of that option. If we concentrate some energy on THAT, we can do a lot of people a lot of good.

    It still won't solve Bill's complaint of reporting directly to authorities BEFORE the elders; I think that's going to take more time and maybe more resources than we all have to fix that right now.

    And it still won't solve the issue of whether or not to report a former molester/rapist who has died. Or the issues of adult survivors...what to do? Definitely tratment is the most important thing, and after that...?

    Anyway, someone please put up a list of the states that have the weakest 'reporting' laws....I'd like to tackle that.

  • joelbear


    I agree with both your statements. How does current Watchtower policy differ from those statements?


  • silentlambs

    I would like to make a comment regarding the mandatory reporting of child abuse. The 1996 Federal Goverment regulation involves the reporting of actions that happen to minor children. If anyone would take the time to read the information you will find that to be true. In KY where I reside a suspicion of a minor being abused is required to be reported, yet if the one abused is an adult the requirement to file charges falls with the adult to file the charges and sign the papers for prosecution. You can file all the reports you want but if the adult victim is not willing to sign the complaint then no charges would be filed. While the State of KY has no statue of limitations the adult victim is required to file the charges according to my experience. While other States may differ as to how this works, this is an example of one State.

    In my personal experience, one local adult victim was threatened by her local body of elders as well as her family when all she had to do was sign the complaint. As a result to this day she remains a silentlamb. When I personally was presented with physical evidence that a minor child was being molested and called WT Legal for direction,I was told to "leave it in Jehovah's hands." As you can guess I did not follow theocratic direction.

    Hundreds and hundreds if not thousands and thousands of documented cases of child molestation remain in congregation judicial files in this country. One objective mentioned over one year ago was to turn all these records over to authorities for investigation much like the Catholic Church has done recently in several instances. Allow child molesters to be investigated and if proven, prosecuted, this action would protect thousands of children.

    Children within the organization are taught to be insubjection to everyone, yet they should be empowered as well as all Jehovah's Witnesses to report the crime of child molestation with the full support of the congregation and the BOE. Children should be given proper counseling as long as needed with the full support of the congregation and the BOE. Children should be treated like heros and praised for standing up and reporting the criminal act that happened to them with the full support of the congregation and the BOE. Adults who come forward with with similiar alegations should be treated in the same manner. As the silentlambs website clearly shows this seldom happens when victims of molestation come forward to the elders about their rape. Therein lay the crux of the issue when stating problems with WT Policy and how mandatory reporting is ignored.

    There is no defense, no line of reasoning, no justification, for allowing victims to suffer in silence while not reporting the criminal who will hurt more children. So to sum it up, two things need to take place within the organization regarding reporting:

    1. All congregations should be impowered by a letter that instructs them to call the police first when a molestation issue arises in order to be in compliance with the "superior authorities"

    2. All judicial records involving any crime not reported to police should be turned over for proper investigation and or prosecution.

    Until this happens Jehovah's Witnesses defy their own theology and reproach Jehovah and their organization by their failure to comply with the legal requirements of the "superior authorities." More importantly the atrocities continue to the innocent who are victimized by WT POlicy.

  • dungbeetle

    Joel, I cannot believe you are asking that in view of the BOE letters and the May 15th Watchtower and the other two Watchtowers where a JW who reports their abusers WILL be sanctioned.

    Aside from which I've seen it happen, and recently.

    Watchtower WILL NOT report abuse in non-reporting states and JR BROWN (may he have pieces) publicly bragged about that. THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE. As soon as an unreported congregational pedophile hears that the rules in his congregation have changed, he might just pack up and go 'inactive' and --think of the children who will be spared. At least his victims won't have to sit there and smile at his sorry a*s any more. We can always HOPE...

    Of course, as has been pointed out, there is nothing stopping an elder from reporting abuse in any case...he just picks up a payphone and makes an anonymous report. They don't seem to be doing this however.

    And 'tweedledum and tweedledee' will have you believe that anyone anywhere can make a child abuse report and not be sanctioned by Watchtower and this is a blatant and flagrant lie. Joel, how many ways are there to SAY that? YOU WILL BE SANCTIONED. I HAVE SEEN THIS.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Bill Writes:

    There is no defense, no line of reasoning, no justification, for allowing victims to suffer in silence while not reporting the criminal who will hurt more children. So to sum it up, two things need to take place witin the organization regarding reporting:

    1. All congregations should be impowered by a letter that instructs them to call the police first when molestation issue arises in order to be in compliance with the "superior authorities"

    2. All judicial records involving any crime not reported to police should be turned over for proper investigation and or prosecution.

    Until this happens Jehovah's Witnesses defy their own theology and reproach Jehovah and their organization by their failure to comply with the legal requirements of the "superior authorities." More importantly the atrocities continue to the innocent who are victimized by WT POlicy.

    As stated, I have no problem with this summation, Bill. In fact what Path and I have proposed goes further because it would make policy where, regardless of legal requirements of "superior authorities," elders would be required by WTS policy to always encourage victims of abuse to report their crime to law enforcement authorities. Such a policy goes further than your summation above, and if it were enacted it would empower victims by throwing congregational support behind their act of reporting to authorities.

    For clarification on other of your multitudes of comments, and since you accused me of twisting your views, I submit again the following three questions:

    Question 1:

    If presented with a situation where a minor comes to you and says they had been abused but persisted that they would not talk about their experience to anyone who would automatically report the matter to authorities, would you offer them help on the condition of leaving the prerogative of reporting to them or would you turn them away?

    Question 2:

    If the person were an adult victimized in childhood with the same request, what would you do?

    Question 3:

    Assuming the WTS one day invokes a policy that elders should always encourage victims of abuse to report the crime to authorities, then,

    If a child approaches an elder and says, “I want to talk about being molested, but I am unwilling to do it if law enforcement must be notified of who did it to me,” would you have the elder turn the child away or provide them with whatever help they could otherwise give? In answering this question keep in mind that the child approaches the elder, not the other way around. If the elder turns down offering whatever help they could have because of mandatory reporting and the child never approaches anyone else for help, who has been protected? Who, then, would have an opportunity to encourage and strengthen the child to a point where they would turn in their abuser?

    Simple straightforward and unambiguous answers to these questions is important to my understanding of your views. After isolating precise answers then supporting reasons would be appreciated too.

  • dungbeetle

    And while I'm at it, let me say this:

    1) There are some on this board who are 'closet apostates'...meaning that they are still 'in' the organization and still enjoy positions of prvileges inside that org. They get to sit on committees, they get to keep and enjoy decades-long 'friendships' <gag> <choke> they get to go to special schools and special meetings. Then they can come here and get attention and respect and supporters and defenders and all the things the rest of us don't get becasue (a) we're not in the org any more, and (b) we are or were 'nobodies' in the org, just rank and file. These closet individuals, especially elders and bethelites, get their bread buttered on both sides IMHO.

    While I am a closet apostate, believe me I am a nobody and that's all I ever was and that's all I'll ever be. Probably the same is true of me on this board. It has its advantages.

    anyway (2) some of these persons mentioned in (1) above seem to feel that the Watchtower will not die. Soemday it will be shaken up and cleaned out and when that happens these 'closet' individuals can just step right up and be viewed as 'loyal' individuals that stuck it out and now they can be 'somebodies' in the org, never having had to go through the family disruptions and the crises of conscience that the rset of us have had to go through. They will still get their bread buttered on both sides; the JW's will love them for being 'loyal' (haha)and the ex-jw's will love them for being so brave and outspoken..(haha).

    I have no problem with this. However, thus begs the question of 'serving two masters'. I don't see how one can serve the casue of the Watchtower and of its victims at the same time. And in return for being left a 'captain of the floating ship' after the storm is over, how right is it to have sat on judicial committees and whatnot all that time?

    In other words, I don''t how one's integrity cannot be compromised somewhere along the way. If it was possible to be JW and be a Christian, there would be fewer xjw's.

    Just my 1/2 cent worth.

  • outnfree

    ((((Path)))), ((((Bill)))) (heck -- even ((((Marvin)))) (whom I hardly know),

    Gentlemen, I have a great deal of respect for all of you.

    Bill, I must agree with Path that your responses (or refusuals to respond) and insults are unfair and unworthy of you and your cause! I am dismayed, because I know your heart. Please trust me that Path is not a WT apologist. He is a very bright, sincere, thinking individual who brings a fresh perspective to how best to reform WT policy. Because his perspective does not agree 100% with yours (at least not yet, and maybe never if you continue to alienate him and others who have questions like his) is no reason to insult or refuse to communicate with him. And I also agree with Marvin that debating this in public on this forum is quite valuable -- more valuable than you clarifying your position in private via telephone.

    Path, as Dung mentioned above, when Bill is at the end of his hotline he may never get the last name of his abused caller, let alone personal information about the alleged abuser. How would you expect him to report? However, Bill the elder had enough integrity on this issue to report the alleged abuser to the police when the child victim was known personally to him and to step down because he could not conscientiously follow WT directives on this point. This is admirable. Admirable, too, is his wanting to protect the children victims of abuse in all events. To protect possible future victims. To even, when you think about it, protect the WT from its own wicked/stupid policies.

    Marvin (and Joel?),
    We all know that the WT Society in practice has NOT encouraged victims of child abuse/incest/rape, etc., to go to secular authorities. (In some cases, the Society even wrongs the victims by disfellowshipping them.) This is just wrong, wrong, wrong. A CRIME has been committed.

    If the WT Society would use its considerable influence over its [brainwashed] members to actually write an article in the KM to ALL publishers that any victims of a sexual crime of any sort should DEFINITELY and IMMEDIATELY report the crime to the police, allow the police to gather evidence, and get whatever treatment -- medical or psychiatric is necessary to begin the healing process IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER -- even if the perpetrator should be a family member or member of the congregation, enormous good would result.

    If the matter did concern incest or abuse by another JW, and the Society STRONGLY RECOMMENDED the publisher to contact the elders with the information AFTER contacting Child Protective Service and/or the police so that intra-Society discipline could commence as the loving shepherds protected the flock, what an enormous burden would be lifted off the 'Friends'' shoulders.

    I think this is what Bill and his supporters (of whom I am one) would like to see done. FIRST.

    THEN, the Society could also review whether or not the "two witness" rule as they have interpreted/applied it is actually Scriptural or whether they might find a way to acknowledge that "two witnesses" are unlikely in child abuse or rape cases. (Or they might train the elders in the Foster Method -- used by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies -- to learn how to "read" body language as they interview the victims and the accused and "respond" in a way that draws the actual truth out of them.)

    I think the question Path and Marvin brought up deserves a polite, well-thought out response. Paraphrasing here: What to do if an abused child comes to you, an adult federally required to report, and reports having been abused, but is afraid and/or unwilling to go to the authorities? What to do? It is a legitimate quandry.

    Personally, I think I would keep the confidence while at the same time gently explaining why it would be best to involve the authorities. I would want to keep the dialogue open. I would want to at least involve the child's parents -- or one of them if one was the abuser. Also, a lot of my response would have to do with the child's age. If s/he were, say, five years old and was afraid to go to the police because of threats by the abuser, I would likely report so that the child could be removed. If the child were actually an adolescent and didn't WANT to go to the police because of shame and fear of publicity, I would likely recommend counseling and trying to find a way to remove the child from the home short of involving Child Protective Services (at least for the moment). If I felt the child was in immediate danger of being abused again, however, and the child still didn't want me to report, I would likely make the difficult decision to involve the law -- and I would explain to the child that I was required by law to report and felt as a responsible adult [and a Christian] I must obey that law which was designed to protect the child from further harm. Sometimes principle has to have sway over personal feelings.

    Finally, I say,

    Great idea! I am going to find out what the law is in my state by this time tomorrow! And then I'll start a new thread if nobody else has by then.

    Love to (((((((((all you wonderful posters))))))))))


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Dungbeetle writes:

    And 'tweedledum and tweedledee' will have you believe that anyone anywhere can make a child abuse report and not be sanctioned by Watchtower and this is a blatant and flagrant lie.

    Since you make the accusation, please provide a quotation and reference where the so-called 'tweedledum and tweedledee' have asserted that "anyone anywhere can make a child abuse report and not be sanctioned by Watchtower."

    If you are asserting that a JW who reports child abuse to authorities is subject to congregational sanction then please show us your proof. The BOE letter from February 15, 2002 is pretty precise on this point, and it disagrees with such an assertion.

    From BOE letter dated 2/15/2002:

    Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation to the police or other authorities. If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision. That is, no elder would criticize anyone who reports an allegation to the authorities.
  • dungbeetle

    Out...that's a good idea...a seaparate thread would be great..

    PLEASE ENTITLE IT SOMETHING CAN BE EASILY FOUND BY A SEARCH PLEASE..not just..'info' <groan> or something like that.

    If someone here lives in a state where the reporting laws are too weak or have too many exclusions to really help our cause, I have no problem writing letters, even to all 16 states or 33 states or whatever.

    Bill, if you have any recomendations of states like that...feel free to let me know.

    ((((outnfree))) are you getting my emails YET?

  • outnfree


    I am happy to see that the dialogue continues.
    Also, I noticed that I did NOT correctly paraphrase at least ONE of Marvin's questions. (But I did answer my own! LOL)

    Keep those lines of communication open, please.

    Was that BOE letter read to the entire congregation? I have a feeling it wasn't. Perhaps it needs to be?


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

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