On the way out--thank you i need a starting point yes.
Bohm--"But keep in mind all that is needed is a very dense state of uniform radiation that expand very rapidly and (13 billion years later) you get galaxies and planets capable of supporting life though a fairly well-understood process. Why presume god is the best (let alone only!) answer to how such a state could arise?"
--whered the radiation come from? If it came from another thing, and it has a beginning what began it?.
--what about an artist? Thats a creation...its not for food. Why did cavemen carve and draw on walls? Certainly not just for food... To tell a story? To chronicle their way of life? Why has man always seen a need to keep records?
Im not saying the God of the Bible has to be the only one...but the evidence of a higher power to is there. And i know its not possible foryou guys to answer all my ranting and ravings lol but these are thoughts i have...and not being out of the org yet...have limited research on and limited time to research.
Scientology is certain true things mixed with mans imagination. Why is it we were the only ones with the brain large enough to have imaginations? because we as humans evolved highest and choked off and controlled the chance for other things to evolve to the point we are?
Im not saying you are wrong...theres just a lot of doubts i have over it. So i do suppose with my limited knowledge im just scrwtching the surface.
Yadda--i understand what you are saying and i must say the lack of verification and testing puts a big dent in ones attempt to prove God exists. I do think its interesting that the ewrly christians new that the temple was inside themselve like at 1 cor 3:16.
Oh hey Theists please feel free to jump in and....ya know...back me up.
i know im crappy at debating but yea lol.