Agreed tammy...christ tells us to continue knocking and it will be given to you. I search for truth. Truth is truth whether you want it to be or not.
I am alsovery aware of the amount of energy one might need to create a human.
To create Life, period, but yes.
However i must add that if God saw fit to allow himans to live their life...the. What right does he have to destroy or torment them should they choose not to believe the evidence theyve seen when he allowed them to live.
Or what if a person lives righteously but doesnt attribute this to God? Is he condemned like the wicked?
Well the torment part does not exist. (I assume you mean a burning hell)
Destruction (death), however, does exist. But the 'choosing' of who enters life and who does not has nothing to do with what the wts teaches, and also few churches. No one is prevented from entering the kingdom if they did not believe Christ or God existed.
Those who are in union with Christ, who are his brothers, who are sealed (the 144000 of every tribe of Israel) and the 'great crowd' (those who are in union with Christ from every tribe and nation and language and tongue; true Christians)... these two have become one in Christ, and these ones rule with him in His Kingdom, for the thousand years.
ALSO entering the kingdom, however, are the sheep. See the separation of the sheep and goats parable. These ones are NOT Christians. These are ones who did not know Christ, but enter because of the good that they did to even the least of his brothers, including those among the poor, the imprisoned, the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless. These ones do not know Christ... but are known BY Christ, because of their words and deeds. So these ones can be atheists, agnostics, men and women from other religions, etc; these are the SUBJECTS of the Kingdom.
The goats are not permitted into the kingdom. Their own words and deeds judge them; and the measure that they use is used against them. They are not physically killed, else how would they be weeping and gnashing their teeth (jealousy, anger, regret, bitterness, hate, anger) in the OUTER darkness. Inside the Kingdom is the light; outside the kingdom is darkness (simply because Christ IS the light and He, and all who belong to Him, are IN the Kingdom; and they carry that light/life in themselves)
But both the sheep and the goats are those who are NOT Christian. (though the goats may have thought that they were and so called themselves Christian: "Lord, lord, did we not prophecy in your name..." And He will say to them, "Away from me you evildoers, I never knew you!" )
And of course upon resurrection of the dead after the thousand years... men are judged by their own words and deeds as recorded in their individual books. Some are resurrected to life (those whose names are written in the lamb's book of life), and some are resurrected to judgment (the second death)
Sorry that is so long. I just wanted to be able to help you see. The bottom line is that Christians (and not all who call themselves Christians are christians) are gathered to Christ and rule with him in his kingdom for the thousand years. There is no judgment for them, His blood covers their sins. The subjects of the kingdom are from everyone else, and are judged according to their words/deeds/the measure that THEY used against others. So you can be a loving and forgiving and merciful person (righteous has to do with faith, beleiving and obeying) and not have believed in Christ and God, and be invited into the kingdom that was created for you since the beginning.
My last question. If you knew a child was kidnapped and was going to be molested, tortured, and killed...and you had the knowledge and opportunity to act, would you?
Of course. We are supposed to do that. Care for our fellow man. Man was given this world to govern. (though we hand that over to the adversary when we listen to him over God) Sometimes man listens to God who has taught and guided (now through Christ)... but too often man ignores God and Christ, and does his own thing, to the detriment of others. How many times does man turn a blind eye to something he knows is wrong and hurting others; how many times does that help to CREATE those who hurt others?
Thats whats happening everyday out there. And God has the ability to stop it, yet he doesnt? Thats cruel to me. If god is all knowjng why didnt he stop the snake in the garden? Free will?
It is our choice to listen or not to listen.
The snake in the garden... the adversary (not an actual snake)... had no power except that which Adam gave him. Adam WANTED to eat from that tree; else he would have spoken up. Adam was not decieved.
In any case, just as we are permitted to answer for ourselves when tempted... Adam and Eve were permitted to answer for themselves. Else God is telling them from the start before they had done anything wrong... you are not trustworthy. There is no love in that; that is judging a man guilty who has done nothing wrong. God told them what would happen if they ate; and they still ate. Some men will do anything to blame God for not stopping it; but when it comes right down to it, that is man refusing to take responsibility for himself and his actions.
And yes, man does hurt others by his actions. But it is man doing so, and not God. Something that man does not understand. God does not DO the wrong. God is the one who will give life BACK to those that man has harmed.