Thanks, Nancy -- you, too!
by compound complex 75 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, Nancy -- you, too!
Please correct the following sentences:
Henny Penny has less eggs in her basket than she thought.
Martha gave Ben and I a glance that could kill.
The result of too many personal indulgences are sloth.
Just a guess Coco...
Henny Penny has fewer eggs in her basket than she thought.
Martha gave me and Ben a glance that could kill.
The result of too many personal indulgences is sloth.
You're so fine, tornapart!
Thank you.
Grammarian-of-the-Day Award!
Peace and blessings.
To clarify the difference between "I" and "me" (he, she, they; him, her, them):
"I" is used as the subject of a sentence, but "me" the object.
I gave it to her (not "she").
He hit me (not "I").
Between you and me, I prefer white wine. (Some say "between you and I" is so widely used that it has become acceptable.)
Jerry tossed the ball to Mary (or "her").
et cetera . . .
Martha gave me and Ben a glance that could kill.
Martha gave Ben and me a glance that could kill.
I learned that we should always put the other person(s) first.
Thank you, Oubliette, for that clarification . . .
Your writing is an inspiration to us!
Thankyou Coco
Oub.. do I get half a point for that one?
You're welcome, tornapart!
Something called parallel construction (structure); please correct:
There are three things I really love: to eat, drinking, be merry!
May is a good friend, a hard worker and she is a nature enthusiast.