caedes: i never called anyone hilter, i have made that clear. if you want take what i say out of context that on you. and calling me an idiot is not doing anything. you say that no one id forced to have an abortion. but millions of lives are forced to be aborted!
abortion vs holocaust
by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Way to miss the point. Yes, you did with your callous and uncaring comparison between the holocaust and abortion.
Obviously you don't think your god's judgement of those horrible monsters who have abortions is enough, you want to judge them too.
Does your bible tell you to go around judging other people or does it tell you to do the opposite? You don't even have the courage of your convictions enough to trust your own god's judgement. Don't you believe in him? Do you think you know better than Jesus?
in what
when did i say anyone was a horrible monster? in fact show me one comment i made saying anything even close to that about a mother. you make cliams but you have no reason, you are wrong. i have said a few times theres differences between nazi and mothers. my goodness
You did when you compared the the holocaust and abortions, because those people that you are judging are ordinary people in very difficult circumstances.
Can't answer the difficult questions? That has been the case throughout this thread.
caedes i have answered more questions than the pro choicers, i just am getting tired of saying the sam thing, i have exspressed what my comparison is with holocaust and abortion. if you ignore what i have said and replace it with something thats on you. very childish
unstop: adam was not born, not the same thing he was created.
Those two scriptures you cited were Jehovah describing how he created his own from the womb. Is not every child a creation of God? Do we not all come from Adam, and that original breath?
unstop: do you even believe in adam? if not i dont know if you should use that as an example.
I speak the language of my listener. I am multi-lingual. Do you believe in scientists? If not I don't know if you should use scientific examples. Are you a construction engineer? If not, you should not use demolition examples. As an aside, I relate the tale of Adam and Eve as an allegory.
unstop: either you think a women (sic) has a choice or you dont (sic).
Why? Why must it be black and white? You've made a declarative statement that it must be black or white. You haven't backed it with any reasons.
unstop: playing the middle and not claiming either side is cowardly.
Mediation is not a cowardly occupation.
unstop: so please clarify for me, what is your view. a girl is 25 she has sex get preg, does not want to have a kid yet she is 8 weeks preg. no health issues. in your view does she have the right to choice an abortion?
I will not interfere or eavesdrop in to her conversation between her and her doctor. Nor will I interfere with the decision. The doctor will be ethically bound to the Hippocratic Oath.
If you are tired of saying the same thing, unstop, maybe you should start explaining your reasons. Saying the same thing over and over is not the same as expressing a rational opinion.
Killing is terrible. Point taken.
How is a zygote, or even a fetus non-viable outside the womb, alive or aware?
As tragic as the loss is of such a potential life, it obviously has less value than the mother, who is living, breathing, thinking and aware. When a choice must be made between the two, the mother's life is saved. The mother has a future, and may even have more children. The non-viable fetus cannot.
know reason on a topic like this is like spitting upwind, but what if life starts with breath? Then protect the infant from harm; a viable, living, breathing human being. ~~~jgnat
Why remove a pic of an abortion if its not life until it takes a breath. why is a glob of cells dying graphic? ~~ Raven
I think Raven the reason they start a breach birth and then suction out the brain is so the head is still in ..." the glob" hasn't taken a breath yet sothey can't be charged with" killing" a "viable breathing human being"... plus no one is forced to hear the haunting screams of distress ..that would occur
if they waited like 1 minute more till after the head appeared...
to be given the breath of life rather than the knife of death !
jgnat: everything is a creation, not everything is born, yes i believe i scienctist so i can use what they say, you dont believe in the adam story of creation. theres a differance. i do agree not everything is black and white. but this is a life not some choice. explain to me what is the differance in your view and the v