Unstop: You sound like a great guy with much concern for the unborn. May I suggest that you channel that good will with wanting to help the helpless and give a go at being a foster parent? There is a great need in your area for folks to step up and care for already born children in need. This is something you can do today, sign up and you will have a child to care for before the ink on your background check is dry.
After foster parenting for several years and going to support groups for other foster parents, I am convinced that many of these children who were abused and neglected by their parents would have been better off not being born at all. They are so screwed up menatally and emotionally from such a young age that they have almost no chance to live a normal life, even when placed with others who do not abuse or neglect.
Why are so many christains so hell bent on stopping other people from their right to choose, yet we have thousands of children already alive in foster care waiting for someone to adopt them? If a christain really wants to help the helpless, there are plenty of already born children who need your help!