bu2: i know its horrific, and you know the one who speak out are the ones who are hated.
abortion vs holocaust
by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Unstop, you did agree yesterday that a woman should have the right to choose termination if her life is in danger from an ectopic pregnancy didn't you?
You're not going back on that are you?
I am Done with this subject. Apparently upon leaving the JWs people have a need to support everything the WT is against and oppose everything they are for. Abortion is a crime against us all since it is a crime against humanity to its core. society feels that it is ok to destroy the most defenseless among us and put a positive PR spin on it. No genocide has ever been negative on paper. Mao Zedongs program was called the " Great Leap Forward ". It claimed tens of millions of lives. Hitlers was called "The final soloution ". Positive terms aren't they. Today's genocide is carried out under such wonderful names like "Woman's right to choose" and "Women's rights" along with "Family planning". Nice warm and fuzzy terms but the reality is bloody and tragic.
Ravens, fight the fine fight if you want, but you will have no success here. I'm ouutt.
J. Hofer
BU2B, "they" are not among us. get your facts straight.
J hofer- if a pregnant woman is standing next to you with her "clump of cells" moving around inside of her, how is that not among us? By that measure we can kill people driving in cars because "they are not among us". its nice to know that 2 inces of skin and internal organs is all it takes to qualify as not among us. the Jews were not "among us" either, they were miles away in camps. Just like the unborn, out of sight out of mind.
bu2: amen! thanks for your input.
J. Hofer
yeah, let's start a pro killing jews movement. i guess that's fine by you.
cofty: i have more than answered your questions that fucus on the 1%. now it time you guys gave some answers. what do you think of jgnat claim that she can be safely in the middle ground?
jh: wow is it that you take what a person says , twist it completely around to say the oppisite and still think your honest?
J. Hofer
a pregnant woman killed a few jews the other day because she would have died otherwise. another woman ripped apart a family of jews and sent all of them to the gas chamber, because she was raped.