unstop, Is someone close to you considering an abortion? Kate xx
abortion vs holocaust
by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cofty: an embryo is from the time of fertilization until its a fetus, it is a time period of development. so it is a sperate organism. so when the sperm(male) makes contact with the ovum (female) and it results in a fertilized ovum(zygote) a new life has started.
a new life has started
One new life?
Is god directly involved in any way? Does he impart a soul to the zygote?
hey kate: how are you? thanks for asking ,nobody that im aware of. i work by myself at of times, and i tend to think alot. and today i was just thinking about this,i tend to think about these things alot. even more now that i have a kid myself.
cofty: your now asking a question i cant answer: jerm 1:5 and pslams 139:12-16 is all i can say yes god is involved but as far as the soul question i cant say . i think cantleave asked that before i forgot to reply to him.
Unstop - You want to impose your black-and-white ethics on the world so you need to defend them rationally.
What is sacred about a fertilised ovum?
Do you see it as a new individual human with the same rights as an adult human?
What is sacred about a fertilised ovum?-cofty
You have beautiful amazing kids, they were sacred the day they were concieved were they not? Look how they have grown in so many ways it's truly miraculous would you not agree? Sam xx
cofty: first off i like how you use words like "impose" to describe me when i give my thoughts. and i guess when you give your opinion you are "enlightening" the world with your non black and white thinking? i believe the fertilized ovum is a orgainism is have said that is devoliping into a fetus. does it have the same human rights as a adult human you ask? not the right to vote or smoke or even have a beer,(which sadly some do smoke and drink in the womb):( but the right to life yes
So is your position on abortion based on your belief that a zygote is a unique human being?
cofty: why do you ask questions to try and trap ppl? your question using term "human" yes its human by nature ,but not phyically a human as we would see a child or an adult.it is devoloping to be a fetus as i have said before.