JW morale reaching new low

by kneehighmiah 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    FadeToBlack - "No wonder witnesses are demoralized. It is not healthy trying to maintain multiple versions of 'truth' in your mind simultaneously."

    An insidious pandemic of cognitive dissonance, huh?

  • adamah

    Steve2 said- Ask a Witness to show you where the overlapping generation is mentioned in the Bible. They can't.

    The GB must have their wires crossed in the Heavenly T1 connection, since they're apparently being "spirit-guided" NOT by Jehovah, but by Irving Fisher, an economist who introduced the term "overlapping generations" in the 1920's in his book:



  • kneehighmiah

    Most people are tuning out all the new changes. You don't even need to read apostate material to undrestand what a joke things are becoming. Just use your brain. In the public talk at the "god's word is truth" convention, they mentioned that truth doesn't change or contradict. That's basically an admission that what God is allegedly giving them is not the "truth," since the new light is often contradictory .

  • LongHairGal

    Good thread with many great posts!

    was blind:

    Like you, I would not have joined the JWs either if I had any inkling about their hidden history. They simply did not lay their cards on the table. Who would join if they knew?

    I also feel they are helping to dig their grave deeper by pushing their new site. But, they can't have it both ways. They want to not only cut down on expenses but they probably need a way to sanitize or tweak current teachings in future when it suits them. What better way than to have them on-line? That means fewer pesky books and other literature left with the public that can surface to become a future embarrassment when they decide to say: "we never taught that.."

    In some ways though, they really hate the internet and are reluctantly embracing it because they have no choice.

    I think their IDEAL member is somebody too poor to afford an internet connection and who will literally be in a news blackout as far as the religion is concerned. This is probably why a small group of hard-core believers still stay: no internet connection and no way to hear about past teachings and scandals. The religion loves this.

  • kneehighmiah

    The GB must have their wires crossed in the Heavenly T1 connection, since they're apparently being "spirit-guided" NOT by Jehovah, but by Irving Fisher, an economist who introduced the term "overlapping generations" in the 1920's in his book:



    Thanks for taking me back to economics class. You must be the reincarnated Adam Smith.

  • adamah

    FTB said- Plus we get a bonus timeline in the same issue that again shows the 'flood' occured in 2370BCE and then only 100 years later the buggers were already building the tower of Babel. So they all moved from Ararat to plains of Shiinar and breeding like rabbits, managed to build cities and civilizations with enough support to embark on this project. Not bad!

    Holy Hades! Aside from the problems of genetic bottlenecking by rebuilding from a severely-constrained gene pool of just three breeding couples, the Bible says a single population of humans moved in masse and descended from a mountain in Iraq to set up a community on the plains Shinar (distance about 100 miles).

    Of course, the whole idea was God was upset with humans since they didn't scatter across the Earth (as they were commanded in Genesis 9), so God confused their languages to give them a gentle 'nudge' to disperse since they couldn't communicate.

    Right idea, except wrong order, since the Proto-Indo-European theory of language says humans split apart into isolated groups and THEN their languages drifted apart, much like Darwin's theory of evolution, except as an explanation for the emergence of languages:


    Funny that you see creationists still attacking Darwin's evolution, but few believers get upset about the PIE theory of language? Maybe the WT will publish a colorful magazine arguing against the PIE theory, and supporting the Tower of Babel account as literal "truth".

    Kneehigh said-

    Thanks for taking me back to economics class. You must be the reincarnated Adam Smith.

    LOL! Nah, although it must be tough buying a pair of gloves when one's hands are invisible....

  • BluesBrother

    It's interesting to note how many began their departure after the 1995 teaching change.

    Looking back, the seeds of doubt were forming in my mind ever since that fundamental change to our expectations. It was just so obvious that they were reacting to the ongong time, rather than being pro-active with accurate teachings in advance. It took some years and an emotional crisis to make me realise TATT but I had never viewed them the same after '95.

    As for morale in the ranks, I am sorry to disagree but I see the dubs being more determined than ever. They have lost a lot of social activity in the last few years, lost a Tuesday Group Study, lost food at Assembies....but they seem to love it more and more, even if the results of preaching do not show much

  • FadeToBlack

    From Study 40 in the MS book: Accuracy of Statement

    Checking the Accuracy of Information. Current events, quotations, and experiences can be helpful when you are illustrating and applying certain points. How can you be sure that they are accurate? One way is by extracting such items from reliable sources. Remember to check that the information is up-to-date. Statistics become obsolete; scientific discoveries are quickly surpassed; and as man grows in understanding of history and ancient languages, conclusions based on previous knowledge need to be revised.

    But we never do that, in a way to agree with new 'wordly' understandings... We only revise stuff when we see fit (or need to in order to COA).

    Seriously, the MS book is a work of art (only not in a good way). The chapters on research and study are classics in group control.

  • steve2

    As for morale in the ranks, I am sorry to disagree but I see the dubs being more determined than ever. They have lost a lot of social activity in the last few years, lost a Tuesday Group Study, lost food at Assembies....but they seem to love it more and more, even if the results of preaching do not show much

    It could well be a regional thing, among other explanations. I'd be looking for evidence that they do love it more and more(to quote your phrase)such as increased preaching, meeting together to discuss "the truth", improving meeting attendance etc. I simply do not see this in my region - and my family who are still in, keep me up to date.

  • steve2

    Adam, I did not know an earlier author had coined the term 'overlapping generation'. Thanks for the reference.

    Interesting that it decribes a model of economics. Doesn't this show what a magpie of an organization the Watchtower is?

    Chuck Russell pillaged ideas and concepts from any field he could - then attempted to pass them off as divinely revealed to him. I wouldn't go so far as to describe the GB as being as blatant as the white-haired-bearded man was - they're much more subtle and clever.

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