I can't believe I am saying this but.....I agree with SFTW.
SFTW, the best time I ever had as a JW was in the foreign preaching work. It was a simpler message. Nobody could understand the 1914 explanation, or why it was important. Speaking about the Trinity was easy and simple. It was kind of a back to basics for me. It was really refreshing. I also slowly began to wake up then, because even though I was so succesful (baptized a bunch of the ol worldlies), I also became aware of how much they were dependant on literature, and idolized the slave. It was all about chain of command!!!
When the blood doctrine came up (post 2000 change), and neither the elders, the CO, the pioneers, or anyone from that country could properly explain the issue, and reverted to "following the slave", a little light went off, and I thought that wasn't right. So I researched more in depth than I had ever before. That was the beginning of my refusal of that doctrine, and the beginning of my exodus.
It is hard for many with so much apathy.
The new mantra from those I still speak to (and there are many.....I am really trying to work on my loved ones) is......The way I see it, yeah there are lots of problems, and I don't agree with a bunch of things, but I still think the overall picture is better than anything else, and the routine does my family good.
I guess!?