JW morale reaching new low

by kneehighmiah 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Sadly Kneehighmiah,

    many born-ins go from one extreme to the other. It's hard for them to find balance

    and some even commit suicide



    Converts are more likely to go back to they way they were

    many converts find out that what they had wasn't so bad after all

    compared to the grueling life of a Witness



    The WTS encourage part time and low wage jobs ( Janitor and window cleaners )

    They ain't no better than Wal-mart when it comes to jankin' the system for food stamps

    to supplement those in the ministry



  • DesirousOfChange

    LONGHAIRGAL: Thirty or so years ago, the Witneses were, for the most part, comprised of responsible working people. There may have been a deadbeat or a kook here and there, but basically they were mentally sound. Not so any more.

    I believe that because the JWs cannot find responsible people at home (because they are out working), they ended up bringing in anybody who would listen to their presentation. In many instances, these were people who were troubled and were on the fringes.



  • wasblind

    I believe that because the JW's cannot find responsible people at home ( Because they are out working )


    I beg to differ,

    there are a lot of responsible people that don't work on the weekend


    Seriously. Do people think before they post ?


  • Crazyguy

    Yep you guys hit it on the head the born ins are a bunch of Idiots and the ones that join are Retards plain and simple. And I was an Idiot.

  • problemaddict

    I can't believe I am saying this but.....I agree with SFTW.

    SFTW, the best time I ever had as a JW was in the foreign preaching work. It was a simpler message. Nobody could understand the 1914 explanation, or why it was important. Speaking about the Trinity was easy and simple. It was kind of a back to basics for me. It was really refreshing. I also slowly began to wake up then, because even though I was so succesful (baptized a bunch of the ol worldlies), I also became aware of how much they were dependant on literature, and idolized the slave. It was all about chain of command!!!

    When the blood doctrine came up (post 2000 change), and neither the elders, the CO, the pioneers, or anyone from that country could properly explain the issue, and reverted to "following the slave", a little light went off, and I thought that wasn't right. So I researched more in depth than I had ever before. That was the beginning of my refusal of that doctrine, and the beginning of my exodus.

    It is hard for many with so much apathy.

    The new mantra from those I still speak to (and there are many.....I am really trying to work on my loved ones) is......The way I see it, yeah there are lots of problems, and I don't agree with a bunch of things, but I still think the overall picture is better than anything else, and the routine does my family good.

    I guess!?

  • prologos

    right SFTW. so: where is the Holy Spirit in this .

    Early Christians too were impeded by the spirit Acts 16:6 to go on impossible missions.

    These "demonstrations" are hilarious. Clapping applause for the fact that they are leaving the platform.

    when will the GB/FADS wake up yhay these thinly diguised Fuller Brush type training methods reflect REALLY badly on their grasp of reality?

    May be the FF word (Futile Field service) is just as powerful as failed doctrine, prophecy to wake'em up?

  • LongHairGal

    was blind:

    Lighten up, dearie.

    I was mainly referring to service done Monday through Friday not the weekend. (I am aware there are many responsible people around who don't work on the weekend, as I am one of them.) I recall that the pioneers got their time in Monday through Friday and are usually the ones who are "successful" bringing people in. And, yes, these ones they are mainly bringing in have serious issues.

    It was usually the working people like myself who went out on the weekend and disturbed the sleep of other working people.

    Crazy guy:

    I was just plain deceived because they were not honest. But, at least way back when I came in, it wasn't like what has come in recent years.

  • wasblind

    Hello there LonghairGal, I'm good

    From what Cedars posted from the August 15, 2011 wt study edition page 22 ( correct me if wrong on ref. )

    It seems that the WTS admit to the recruitment of the mentally unstable baptised converts

    and that it's enough to affect the rise in the number of memorial partakers



    Yes, we were decieved . As for me. Not fooled into baptism

    As for the mentally unstable. They are truly bein' takin' advantage of

    for the sake of growth in the organization



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Morale will go through ups and downs. CO visits and assemblies/conventions are supposed to boost morale and raise enthusiasm, but that isn't always how it works. It was exhausting as an elder to see the sheeple discouraged by the CO or bored by the SAD, because it seemed like some kind of problems in the congregation would follow.

    Receiving their new bibles should have been a big morale boost, but for how long?

    S4PW mentioned preaching issues, trying to improve activity. How did that work with representatives from the branch? Most of the COs and their wives would put on a brief show of enthusiasm... then they were more than happy to take lengthy breaks, ride along on unproductive RVs, and wrap up the morning early to get back in time for lunch. They set a standard for a high level of lip-service and a low level of actual activity.

  • hamsterbait

    SFPW -

    Very true. At one time there was maybe one person here and there in the circuit who everybody knew as a nut job.

    Maybe one in a congregation.

    Now I feel like I am in a room with mental patients on day release ("let outs" as mental health workers call them)

    Talking to these LET OUTS with their ridiculous obsessions with demons, diet and depressions makes me feel like I am in a a Twighlight Zone Limboland.

    And yes - nowadays most normal people work hard during the day, and play hard in their free time - so you only ever meet misfits and drop outs with some crisis going on. There is a brochure to hit everybody's weakness.


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