CB, the irony is JWs preach to others about the importance in learning self-control, when the reality is you are facing the real challenge of exercising self-control in YOUR life, having learned TTATT.
To paraphrase Jesus, now is the time to be caution like serpents, as the situation could quickly spin out of control due to an occasional slip-up; would that be worth it just for the sake of a few moments of venting?
Fact is, very few JWs are emotionally-prepared to pull off a successful fade and exit from the cult, likely due to their temperament, i.e. the same inability to handle the unknown which is exactly the same personality trait which made the JW religion appear attractive to them: it offers the false assurance of certainty. So would-be faders are more likely to slip up and spill the beans about TTATT during a moment of weakness, driven by their emotional need to vent, forgetting that fading is playing the 'long game' and requires a rational approach to achieve victory in a manner they want to accomplish it.
Just make sure you have an escape plan in your head, or committed to writing with firm 'acheive by' dates (and better yet to write it in code, so someone doesn't find it and turn you in), and try not to give in to any actions that are driven by emotion, yet aren't in your long-term interests.
Loose lips sink ships.