It was a meeting night last night. I didn't go nor did I stay on JWN instead. Nugget gave me her time. We chatted for almost two hours. It was nice girlie human contact and more positive and wholesome than going to a meeting and sitting on the back row being ignored.
On Sunday, we are going swimming instead of the meeting. I am never going back to that destructive place again. Likewise I am not going to replace meetings debating on JWN about God's existance.
I am at work now, I have seen a JW couple on the ministry, they understand why I have left and told me not to give up. They told me to change halls. Humpphhh!!! They have seen me around the local comunity 3 times in the last two weeks. They have made the descision not to talk to me again. I have left things open with them, but if they are scared of Jehovah the GB. It's with them now. I pity them.
Once again, I want to give a big forum thank you to Nugget, she's great!
Are you struggling to leave? Have you had enough? What have you planned on a meeting night?
Kate xx