The WT Society, Global Warming, and the NWO

by lambsbottom 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lambsbottom

    Was just looking at how many articles the WT put out around the time when Al Gore was pitching the Global Warming BS for his NWO (New World Order) friends.

    WT would rather JWs to:

    Not have kids.

    Pioneer full time instead of working full time so they can feed off the system with welfare or food stamps.

    Believe all the mainstream establishment scientists with regarding to 'hip' discoveries.

    Man the GB is really gonna get theirs when Jesus comes back with the big daddy sword of his!

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    if you don't believe global warming is a real thing then you are clearly not grounded in reality. This is right up there with people who think the moon landing was faked, JFK is alive and well, THE JEWS did 9/11, and Obama is a muslim born in Kenya

    Can you also enlighten us as to chemtrails and gangstalking?

  • bohm

    ...your point being that because al gore exist and some people formerly on the GB said people should not have kids jesus should hack the current people on the GB up with a sword like a maniac?

    a bit like the two asshats who cut the head of the poor guy in the UK because of what they believed some other soldiers did in afghanistan? I mean thats the sort of vibe your jesus is giving me...

  • lambsbottom

    @barrold bonds:

    Instead of just spewing out comparisons of my not being grounded in reality, why don't you provide some proof of global warming?

  • lambsbottom

    @barrold bonds:

    I would guess that you also believe that WTC building 7 (which was the one NOT hit by a plane) fell into its own footprint because of falling debree from the towers that were hit.

  • lambsbottom

    It is just comical at how people dismiss someone's opinion because it either:

    1) Sounds strange and doesn't match story told by the mass of people.


    2) Does not match the 'majority' of professionals story (e.g. government, scientists, doctors).

    You need to study locial fallacies, particularly "Appeal to authority".

  • cofty

    Besty will be along shortly to give you a well-deserved slap.

    By the way an appeal to authority is not a logical fallacy if the athority you appeal to is the conclusion of the world's leading experts on the subject.

  • bohm

    You need to study locial fallacies


    WTC nonsense.. sword-swinging jesus nonsense ...AGW world order nonsense...

    is it going to be aliens or bigfoot next? this thread is going to be epic!

  • Seraphim23

    I’m a theist but I have to agree with my atheist friends about global warming being true and the world trade bombings not being a valid conspiracy theory. There are many firelighter witness statements regarding building seven being structurally damaged and in danger of collapse before it actually did so.

  • zeb

    In his work "Blue Planet in Green Shackles" the author Vaclav Klaus mentions that Mars, Venus are also warming up. He relates this to sun activity.

    Me? I hold that we havent done a good job of looking after the earth and we should be planting trees of the type for a given area. Jw would be far better served doing their 'time' involved in the group "Men of the Trees" started by a professor St-Barb-Baker and growing and planting trees. This would get the jw in the western urban countries into the outside world where they could pick up a shovel and dig in the earth.

    VK is the president of the Czech republic and also a physicist. He would most likely be one of the few politicians who has an actual qualification.

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