I know who did 9/11 guys.
The WT Society, Global Warming, and the NWO
by lambsbottom 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, I believe global warming caused by human activity (at least normal human activity) is a fraud, but the washtowel did present it as reality and that their god would destroy those causing it. So, they believed in man-made global warming.
And, according to this theory that they themselves subscribed to, they also needlessly contributed to it. For instance, how much carbon dioxide does it put into the air to cut down all those trees, ship them halfway across the country, mill them into paper, print them, distribute the paper in the form of rags halfway across the country, and then waste even more gas (more carbon dioxide into the air) in the form of field circus? Plus, those trees were taking carbon dioxide out of the air. Even if it was a farce, the witlesses are still guilty of hypocrisy.
Beyond that, what about real pollution? Each time you dry clean a suit, you are putting chlorinated hydrocarbons into the air. Witlesses seem to dry clean more suits than any other religious group--even most businesses these days are getting away from suit dress-up in favor of clothes that go into the regular laundry. One might have genuine need to dry clean a suit a few times in their lifetimes these days--less so if religions weren't so prudish in dress-up. The jokehovians seem to do a suit every week, if not more often. Now, those chlorinated hydrocarbons do more than warm the planet. They cause cancer and other diseases--polluting our water, air, and ground. The jokehovians also breathe those fumes at the Kingdumb Hells and in car groups, plus spread those fumes into houses whenever they get in. More hypocrisy.
Not to mention, the buildings are inefficient. Their air conditioners are notorious for being crap quality, plus they are poorly maintained. The heating is also poorly maintained. Do you expect people with no education to know that you need to clean the air conditioner coils, both sides, to keep it running efficiently? Let alone knowing how to do so. Of course not. And paying someone to do it professionally comes out of Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund bleeds, so they will not do that. And their lighting is outdated. Most were lit with incandescent or older inefficient fluorescent tubes in the 1990s and early 2000s, and with compact fluorescent bulbs (when LEDs are more efficient and greener to dispose of) today. Green? Hardly.
And, when is the last time you saw any witlesses recycling? I have seen items that were commonly recycled being thrown out with the rubbish at Kingdumb Hells. This includes glass bottles (the most common recycling material), cardboard boxes (second most common recycling), aluminum soda cans (close behind), and plastic soda bottles with a Number One PET symbol (the most common plastic for recycling). They also generate more rubbish that cannot be recycled, including styrofoam takeout containers, paper soaked with grease, and wrappers from potato chips. Even if not for the environment, wouldn't wise use of resources dictate recycling at least those items?
You live in a dreamworld if you believe that global warming is a fraud from msinstream scientists.
Global warming is a fact that you can see with many examples.
Come to our mountains in switzerlanand you can see it firsthand. Go to greenland, the arctic or antarctica and you can experience it. Go to the philippines and look at the aftermath of one of the biggest storms. Or make vacations in Kiribati that is about to vanish in the pacific ocean.
Well yes, just deny all the facts and continue to take always the car, eat big steaks and so on and our grandchildren will thank you.
Lambsbottom: that was not meant to attack you. Maybe you live in a good way ecologically. Wbts probably has environmentally a bad impact as their printing uses too much resources and trees. At least they are downsizing.
hi lambsbottom - welcome to JWN - would be interested to hear more about you and what brought you to an ex-JW forum. Pls stick around and keep posting.
Might I ask if you are an older white man? Perhaps with a more right of center outlook?
The reason I ask is that particular demographic is much more likely than average to have the kind of views you have on climate change.
Just curious :-)
The NY Post article linked in the OP written by the lawyer turned journalist Michael Fumente is the kind of thing an algorithm for climate change denial would produce.
Lets make sure it has all the right variables:
1 - DO NOT use a climate scientist to author the article
2 - DO use a lawyer/journalist who has previously been fired for taking money from big business and then writing puff pieces to support their position
3 - DO not attempt to have your work published in the scientific literature
4 - DO use a low-credibility tabloid newspaper with a long history of controversy to publish your claims
5 - DO take a single type of local weather and short time frame as the premise for your article - in this case North American hurricanes in 2013
6 - DO confuse 'surface temperature' with 'global warming' - (you know the globe - that big round thing with atmospheres and oceans and stuff)
7 - DO cry foul when mainstream media starts to restrict oxygen to your 2% minority opinions
8 - DO be vague when accusing 'warmists' of things like predicting an increase hurricane activity - if needs be use Gore's bookcover illustration from 2005
9 - DO put "greenhouse gases" in quotation marks, so your audience know how laughable that term really is. Nudge nudge wink wink.
10 - DO make sure to conclude your article with the ideological reasons for your position - include words like Obama, American way of life
Further reading for you
First off, I would be labeled an apostate if I ever came out of the JW closet!
Wow! It amazes me how so many people can simply turn off their reasoning power and simply ad hominem the heck out of me!
Example: bohm said:
WTC nonsense.. sword-swinging jesus nonsense ...AGW nonsense...now world order nonsense...
is it going to be aliens or bigfoot next? this thread is going to be epic!
Sigh, this is the same type of thinking that kept them captive the JW's apostate fear mongering tactics. I wonder if these were the same people who were scared about anything non-WT approved!
For the record, I do NOT believe JFK is alive, bigfoot exists, Jews did 9-11, etc. Someone made that assumption.
It is NOT that I disagree that there are climate changes. I believe that 'global warming' is simply 'natural' changes to enviroment that come and go through the centuries.
I sure as hell don't buy that global warming is from overpopulation and too much cow farts (yes, mainstream media have reported on that).
Funny, one of you mentioned how Switzerland has been affected by global warming, while the US is facing one of the coldest winters in quite a while. Both of those examples are anecdotal, however.
You really want to help the environment? Stop buying products that are made in factories in 3rd world countries! They are doing sooooo much harm! Oh, thats right, you are likely addicted to cheap Chinese goods.
wTWizard, the Watchtower is concerned about the ecology and thus encourages aluminum soda can recycling at their Assemblies and Conventions.
Good points Besty.
There is no point in trying convince someone can ignore the opinion of the majority scientists in the field, but believes one obviously biased article. I guess he still believes the Watchtower's teaching that scientists just make things up and you can just ignore them when what they say conflicts with your belief system.
I prefer reality. My reality is that man is contributing to global climate climate change, and that every person should do what they can to reduce their impact on the environment. I recycle as much as possible, use refillable water bottles, bring my own bags to the grocery store and avoid buying things I don't need. My husband just got a new car, a diesel, it gets 49 mpg. He also takes mass transit to work. I combine errands and drive no more than i have to. I do avoid buying things from China whenever possible. Not only is it bad to ship goods that far, such items tend to be made poorly and have to be quickly replaced. I would rather buy something made with integrity, even if it more expensive.
I believe that 'global warming' is simply 'natural' changes to enviroment that come and go through the centuries.
Maybe you can expand on what you mean by 'natural changes' please?
Climate science accepts there has always been natural change in climate. Climate is known to respond to the biggest influence on it at any one time. It doesn't have a mind of it own to just wiggle back and forth between hot and cold extremes, like some sort of self-propelling pendulum. Those natural influences could be the sun, volcanoes, planetary cycles in various relative intensities.
What particular 'natural cause' are you claiming is responsible for the current change in climate?
Further reading - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2013/sep/23/climate-science-magical-thinking-debunked-by-science