Here it is, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me you...

by chapstick 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • chapstick

    If all of the ex-Watchtowerites and other critics of the religious BS we've been fed all our lives want to know and understand all the whys and hows of this monstrocity called the Christian Church, how it really came to be, what it is and what you can do about it, here it is on a neat platter. It will shock the sensitive ones among you (if there still are any) to your core. No fantacy and no bullshit here guys, this is the unadulterated truth. You can choose to take the short time to find out or pass it by as another flakey post. Your loss, not're going to find out soon enough but it won't be what you expected. You'll have to paste it in your searchbar... If the link doesn't work I'll repost it...

  • Satanus
  • WinstonSmith

    I think there is a lot of merit in the whole "religion and lots of common practices came from ancient times" train of thought. What we have today with religion is essentially a copy of a copy of a copy.

    I'm only about 25 mins into this video, and I really wish he would get to the point. It seems more like a stream of consciousness than a structured presentation.

    At the 23 minute mark he says that the Suez canal was controlled by the Egyptians before the Phoenecians came in and began to control commerce. Didn't the Suez canal only get finished in the mid 1800s sometime?

    And for a guy that has said a couple of times so far "do no harm to other living creatures" he sure wears that leather jacket well....

    Just being cheeky.

    Chapstick does his talk take on more of a structure after the half hour mark?

  • CyrusThePersian

    I'm with ya, WinstonSmith. As soon as I heard the part about the Phoenecians and the Suez canal I was like, "Nah." and shut it off. I have no time for people who can't keep their history straight and commit anacrhonisms like that.


  • chapstick

    Do a little research Cyrus. Never heard of the ancient Suez Canal I see, it was also known in ancient times as the Pharoahs Canal. Go to Wikipedia. Just because Santos neglected to expand on this to your satisfaction has nothing to do with the truth, You're either part of the system or not. If you like it the way it is and choose to nitpick something you obviously don't know everything about thats your choice, go for it, have a ball mired in the bullshit like everyone else. What DO you have time for Cyrus? Winston, how the hell do you know his jacket was leather? More people pointing out specks in others eyes while ignoring the timber in your own. Enjoy your ignorant bliss guys...

  • jgnat

    I am not interested in a video of 25 minutes or more. I prefer succinct.

  • WinstonSmith

    I think by using the term Suez Canal, most people would assume that he was talking about the modern construction. If he had said Pharoah's Canal - something I am guessing most people have never heard of - it would have made more sense.

    As for his jacket, like I said, I was just being cheeky - there's every chance it is vinyl.

    As stated, I think there is merit in the thought that religion (and a lot of other common practices we have today) have come from ancient times and have arrived with us as copies of copies of copies.

    I'm reading The Golden Bough and also The Secret Teachings of All Ages at the moment. Both show that practices common long long ago are still with us, often by other names - including much of Christian symbolism.

    Does he get on to a more structured format as he goes along?


    The audience here is a little too advanced for anything but top-notch presentations. That may sound a bit conceited to some, but it's true. Most of us have spent way too many years at the kid's table. We tend to smell weakness in a presentation the same way we can detect trolls in a single post. I guess it's a blessing and a curse, this thing called critical thinking. If you take the red pill, you want truth. If there is no absolute truth, you want very convincing evidence. It can be hard picking through a video for tidbits of truth sometimes. It's difficult to be satisfied at the kiddie table, there is no going back.

    EDIT: I am still going to watch it, of course.


  • jgnat

    I noted from the maps that the Pharoah's canal ran from the Nile to Lake Amers and onward to the Gulf of Suez. I imagine the drafts of the boats could be significantly shallower than what we have today.

    The Suez canal today runs directly from the Medeterranian to Lake Amers.

  • chapstick

    DataDog, Good for you, never casually believe anyone about anything important. No one is saying Santos is a perfect speaker but his expertise in connecting everything like lanquage, history, science, real spirituality, governmnent, commerce, myth, religion and law unfolds the picture as awhole. There are very few people around, great speakers and historians alike who are able to do it as well as Santos. He makes no claims as a guru, he just tells thetruth with the references to prove what he says. Wait till you find out the interconnectedness with the Vatican and western government and exactlyhow they work together, as a registerd corporate enterprise withbthe specific purpose of taking as much of your hard earned cash as possible. If you are over 50 your Vatican Registered Birth Bond ( Birth Certificate) is worth over $50,000,000 on the world bond market and your name is traded daily as a commodity. Wait till you understand how the Admiralty courts have been created as just another means for this corporate entity to raid those bonds, bonds that were your literal inheritance. I would say that alone would be worth the time to really listen to what he has to say. This isn't religious bullshit people, this is the reality you, me and everyone else is living in. The Vatican Church LEGALLY owns your LITERAL body, which is a FINANCIAL asset to the corporation in which YOU LEGALLY agreed to be under the management and control of. This is the big picture of religion, government, and commerce working as willing and complicit partners in the largest and most fraudulent scam in the history of the planet, and it's you, me and everyone else who are (has been) the suckers and the victims of this crime. Me, I'm not gonna let them get away with it...

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